“Carbohydrates and lipids” Class notes 2-3 Molecules of Life — Part 2 “Carbohydrates and lipids”
What is the name for compounds composed of carbon bonded to hydrogen, oxygen and other carbon atoms? Organic compounds
What are the 4 classes of organic compounds found in living things? carbohydrates lipids proteins Nucleic acids
What are the characteristics of organic molecules? Macromolecules Macromolecules = Large molecules Polymers Polymers = Molecules composed of repeating subunits
Three things to know about each molecule of life
Three things to know about each molecule of life SUBUNIT
Three things to know about each molecule of life SUBUNIT ROLE
SUBUNIT ROLE EXAMPLES Three things to know about each molecule of life
What kind of organic molecule is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio? CARBOHYDRATE
Carbohydrate Carbo = Carbon Hydrate =
Carbohydrate Carb = Hydrate = Carbon Water (H O) 2
Carbohydrate Carbon Water (H O) 2 Carbon + Water C H O 1 2 1 2 : : 1 2 1 2 : :
What is the subunit of carbohydrates? Glucose
Diagram of glucose: C H O 6 12 6 c
What is the role of carbohydrates in the cell? QUICK ENERGY
Examples of carbohyrates: 1. 1 sugar = examples: 2. 2 sugars = example: 3. many sugars = a. found in potatoes, wheat, rice, corn b. animal starch—stores sugar in the liver and muscles c. found in plant cell walls and wood MONOSACCHARIDE glucose, honey, fruit sugar DISACCHARIDE Sucrose (table sugar) POLYSACCHARIDE Starch Glycogen Cellulose
LIPIDS Which macromolecules contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen - BUT - have more carbon and hydrogen than carbohydrates and are insoluble in water? LIPIDS
What are the two subunits of this molecule? Fatty Acids Glycerol
Diagram for the Subunits glycerol fatty acid
The molecule has 3 roles in the cell b. c.
The molecule has 3 roles in the cell store energy a. b. c.
The molecule has 3 roles in the cell store energy a. b. c. insulation
The molecule has 3 roles in the cell store energy a. b. c. insulation forms cell membrane
Examples a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals
Examples OILS a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals OILS
Examples OILS STEROIDS a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals OILS STEROIDS
Examples OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES
Examples OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES CHOLESTEROL a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES CHOLESTEROL
Examples OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES CHOLESTEROL WAX a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES CHOLESTEROL WAX
Examples OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES CHOLESTEROL WAX FAT a. found mainly in plants b. functions as chemical regulators in cells two examples of these regulators 1. 2. c. found usually as a semisolid in plants and animals d. found mainly in animals OILS STEROIDS SEX HORMONES CHOLESTEROL WAX FAT
Two major categories of Fats 1. has only single bonds and is usually a solid at room temperature.
Two major categories of Fats 1. has only single bonds and is usually a solid at room temperature. SATURATED
Two major categories of Fats 1. has only single bonds and is usually a solid at room temperature. SATURATED Only Single bonds C O R glycerol fatty acid fatty acid
Two major categories of Fats 2. has at least one double bond and is usually a liquid at room temperature.
Two major categories of Fats 2. has at least one double bond and is usually a liquid at room temperature. UNSATURATED
Two major categories of Fats 2. has at least one double bond and is usually a liquid at room temperature. UNSATURATED One Double bond O C R C C C C C C R glycerol fatty acid fatty acid