Digital Opportunity Scheme Boosting digital skills on the job
Future classroom Lab Future classroom toolkit Video There are more future classroom labs or learning labs around Europe. Estonian FCL ambassdor Aivar Hiio,
STEM Alliance The continued substantial shortage of STEM skilled workers seriously jeopardises the success of the European economy. This affects all industrial sectors and slows down the pace of innovation, which in turn has adverse effects on employment and productivity in the related industries. Consequently, the shortage of STEM professionals at all levels weakens Europe's ability to compete globally. Industry and the Ministries of Education have agreed to work together to improve the situation of STEM education in Europe. They will collaborate under a new initiative called the STEM Alliance, which will further build on the achievements obtained by the inGenious platform.
Scientix Science and stem education networks helps stakeholders in science and STEM education. SCIENTIX offered the following services: Repository of practices for inspiration Match Making tool to find projects and project partners Also a FB group managed by Scientix managers National and European Workshops Publications and ressources
Erasmus + European programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe Range of programmes from internships, study exchanges, to support for programmed, it is applied through national agencies or the EACEA Complete list of projects funded under the platform accessible through here: plus/projects/eplus-projects-compendium/ Factsheet on Erasmus programmes per country plus/about/factsheets_en
Erasmus + Three Key actions (KA) KA1: Learning mobility of Individuals KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Key Action 3: Support for policy reform
Erasmus + : Three key actions KA1: Learning mobility of Individuals KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Key Action 3: Support for policy reform Managed by National Agencies Managed by EACEA Sustainability opportunities: Training of trainers, communities of practices, scaling trainings, transferring practices and projects Projects are maintain sustainibility by disseminating toolkits training kits (also in KA3), and scaling the project Policy recommendations and changes at EU and national level. KA3’s often scale up practices.
Ressources for funding ESF and EDRF projects webinars: U/view Funding briefs (sent to National Coalition) Webinars on funding opportunities (for past editions ask the secretariat of the DSJC)
MENTEP The MENTEP (MENtoring Technology-Enhanced Pedagogy) project is a European Policy Experimentation funded by the European Commission via the Erasmus+ programme. Presentations on the project Mentep results TET-SAT tool The tool will be available as a OER in the spring
Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Coalition of stakeholders working to bridge the digital skills gap and address the shortage of IT professionals Become a member Charter of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Make a pledge Join the National Coalitions National Coalition in Estonia European digital skills awards Governing board Repository for best practices on digital initiatives Digital Opportunity Traineeships Erasmus intern Drop’pin EURES