Success Rates Following laboratory advances over the years, including using time-lapse monitoring for all cycles, Galway Fertility Clinic has increased IVF success rates significantly, to well above the European and UK averages. Many factors influence the chances of a successful outcome with IVF. The most important of these is the woman’s age. The quality of the sperm and the quality of the resulting embryos is also vital. Over 85% of all cycles that are started in GFC, result in embryo(s) being transferred into the uterus and over half of these would expect to get a positive pregnancy test result. Almost half of all cycles in GFC have additional viable embryos, which we can cryopreserve for future chances of a pregnancy. The chances of having a baby declines as the womans age goes past 35 years, and significantly drops from 41 years. If you are considering having a family of more than one child, you should seek assistance at an early age.
Success Rates for IVF in GFC How successful IVF will be depends primarily on the woman’s age. The graph here shows the average chance of a birth from IVF treatment (in green), following a positive pregnancy test result (in purple) depending on the woman’s age. These figures use the per embryo transfer measure, and include all patients treated in GFC over the years 2012 to 2017.
Comparison with UK Average (HFEA, 2017) The UK, unlike Ireland, have an official register of all treatments performed, and publish the statistics for success rates on their website. If we compare our success rates (Blue Bars) to the average across all UK clinics (Red Bars) , you can clearly see our take home baby rate in the different patient age categories. The measure here is the birth of a baby from the first Embryo Transfer procedure, and does not include additional chances of a pregnancy from any frozen embryos.
Risks of a Multiple Pregnancy A healthy singleton pregnancy is the ideal outcome, and GFC apply a policy of transferring a Single Embryo to optimise the chances of this. For patients with a reduced chance of success (eg: over 38y female, previous failure cycles), we may recommend transferring two embryos, which comes with the Over the six years from 2012 to 2017, our twin pregnancy rate from IVF treatment has been 10% of deliveries, and only 0.5% triplets. The number of embryos to transfer is decided when their quality is apparent (on the day of transfer), and following a discussion with your consultant and the embryologist.