FOUR-YEAR PLANS High School Graduation Plans Foundation High School Program with Endorsements
Foundation Plan with Endorsements Diploma Foundation Plan (22 credits) - the core courses of the Texas high school diploma program Endorsements (4 or more additional credits) - acknowledgement(s) a student receives for completing the Foundation Plan and a series of student selected courses (electives) in a particular endorsement area Enhancements Distinguished Level of Achievement - notes completion of more advanced academic courses and an endorsement Performance Acknowledgment - notes outstanding achievement in specific areas 22 Foundation credits + 4 or more endorsement courses _____________________________ or more credits and a diploma! Distinguished Performance
I must earn credits in all of these subjects to graduate. Foundation Plan The 22 credit Foundation Plan coursework includes: English language arts 4 credits Mathematics 3 credits Social studies 3 credits Science 3 credits Foreign language 2 credits Fine Arts 1 credit PE 1 credit Electives (includes speech and health) 5 credits I must earn credits in all of these subjects to graduate.
Foundation Plan with Endorsements Credit Requirements in New Braunfels ISD = Course Requirements Foundation Plan Credits Endorsement Credits Total Foundation Plan Credit Requirements with an Endorsement English 4 Math 3 1 Science Social Studies Foreign Language 2 Fine Arts PE Health ½ Speech Electives 6 TOTAL 22 CREDITS 26 CREDITS + +
Endorsements Endorsement areas are made up of a series of related courses that are grouped together by interests or skills. Each endorsement area will provide students with in-depth knowledge of a subject area. New Braunfels ISD offers courses in five endorsement areas. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Business and Industry Arts and Humanities Public Services Multidisciplinary Studies +
Multidisciplinary Studies NBISD Endorsements Business and Industry Public Service Arts & Humanities STEM Multidisciplinary Studies Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Education and Training Social Studies Advanced Mathematics 4x4 Academic Business Management and Administration Health Science Languages Other Than English Advanced Science Advanced Academic Finance Human Services Fine Arts STEM with a CTE Focus CTE Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Marketing Military Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications Communications Courses are categorized into career clusters or areas of special interest for each endorsement area.
Recap…What does it take to graduate and earn a diploma in a Texas public high school? 22 credits of Foundation coursework (required of all students) + 4 or more additional credits that (students select) that meet criteria for an endorsement ___________________________________________ 26 total credits (at least) +
Why should I get an Endorsement? Explore a career that you might find interesting. Gain useful skills in a career area. Acquire an industry certification that allow you to work in an industry immediately out of high school or have a better college job. Discover that a career or college major is NOT for you.
Earning Recognition for Achievements Distinguished Level of Achievement To earn Distinguished Level of Achievement, a student must meet the Foundation Program requirements and earn a total of 4 credits in math including Algebra II, earn a total of 4 credits in science, and successfully complete at least one endorsement. required for students competing for Top 10% automatic admission at any Texas state funded university +
Earning Recognition for Achievements Performance Acknowledgments A student may earn Performance Acknowledgements for outstanding performance in a dual credit course, in bilingualism and biliteracy, on the PSAT, ACT-Plan, SAT, or ACT, or on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam. A student may also earn a Performance Acknowledgment for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license. +
What is Rank? Class ranking is based on a weighted point chart and is not reflected in the actual grade recorded for each course on the transcript. More rigorous courses (Honors, Dual Credit, and AP) receive greater point value than academic level courses Not all courses count towards class rank Courses receiving up to 8 rank points include all AP courses, Dual Credit courses, Independent Study Mentorship, and transferred IB courses Courses receiving up to 7 rank points include Honors core classes, Honors foreign language, and Honors electives Courses receiving up to 6 rank points include all academic level core and foreign language courses
What can my student do now? Volunteer Get involved and commit to something. (4 years of something) Visit colleges Professional e-mail Develop organization skills Leadership opportunities Read, Read, Read
4 Year Planning Meetings Students will complete their matchmaker in Eduthings. Small group 4 year planning meetings will be scheduled by the counseling center. The meetings will run from mid October through late February. Four year PLANS will be complete and endorsement declarations will be signed at planning meeting.
Contact info Chris Carpenter (last names A-L) Justin Ruiz (last names M-Z)