WGISS WGISS Connected Data Assets Status Report October, 2019 CWIC Team Eugene Yu (GMU), Archie Warnock (A/WWW), Li Lin (GMU)
From the WGISS Workplan Discovery and Access The WGISS Connected Data Assets include the International Directory Network (IDN), FedEO (Federated Earth Observation Gateway), and CWIC (CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog). WGISS- supported standards are now used to search and access data from thousands of collections and hundreds of millions of inventory records, with additional data collections and inventory records from CEOS Agencies being added daily to this integrated system. The WGISS Connected Data Assets also provide access to CEOS Agency datasets through their integration with the GEOSS (Global Observation System of Systems) Common Infrastructure (GCI). More and more, CEOS Agencies continue to adopt the WGISS-supported standards and make their data discoverable via the WGISS Connected Data Assets. The WGISS Connected Data Assets System Level Team provides coordination and oversight of the operations and evolution of this integrated system and also provides technical support for CEOS partners that offer access to data and to client partners that connect to the data sources
Architecture WGISS Data Assets
Current WCDA WGISS Connected Data Assets Status Page http://ceos.org/wgiss-connected-data-assets-status/ Automated updated (daily) metrics for WCDA searchable collections/granules Sharing of test scripts (CWIC Synchronization document) Single document, WCDA Client Guide, gives details on how to search for all the data collections/granules in the WCDA Error handling approach agreement Detailed dataset & granule counts for CWIC and FedEO are available
CWIC Metrics Use specially designed logging and analysis tool Operations up to OSDD, OpenSearch query, and OpenSearch-specific-ID on metadata Get the statistics of visits to CWIC services by operations, countries/regions, data providers, datasets Get an overview of performance and quality of services by providers: success ratio, service time Database of requests up to specific IPs Google Metrics for portal page access By content types, locations, popularities Inventories of resources IDN collections
CWIC Metrics Data access: No indicators to tell if users actually accessed the data The metrics only tell if users did metadata search up to metadata records Granule links are directly to the remove provider, so CWIC is unaware of data access Users: No detail information about users and their usage of the results The regions of users are determined through the visiting IP by using the updated geoip database.
CWIC Metrics Purpose Users Metrics Basics General users Number of collections Spatiotemporal coverage Number of granules by collection Quantitative collection metrics Quantitative product metrics Qualitative collection metrics Usage analytics Management Usages by time By product By IP By location (user) By AOI (product) By scientific term (content) By platform/instrument/provider Quality of Service System Administrators Reliability ( success rate ) Availability (up time) Integrity (correctness) Performance (speed) Exception handling ( exception types) Troubleshooting Developers Exceptions Availability Specific metrics up to specific IP, dataset, time
CWIC Update CWIC Synchronization document completed – gives description and details (test scripts) of the daily dataset accessibility testing that is performed automatically. FedEO team implemented the test scripts also CWIC Data Partner Guides updated and completed Testing with NOAA One-Stop continues Ingesting updated NOAA collection metadata into IDN Testing for granule search NOAA One-Stop system will contain NOAA’s current and heritage EO data collections