2015 Spring Grants/Planning Meeting Grants and Guidance 2015 Spring Grants/Planning Meeting 5/21/2015 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Agenda FY 2015 Update Grants Management Office FY 15 Allocation & Issues Rescission + Recovery of funds FY 2016 Outlook and Workplan Budget Outlook FY 16 Air Planning Agreement/NPM Guidance Grant Policy and Regulatory Updates Schedule of Activities and Status of Grants 5/21/2015 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Grants Management Office Grants Management and Strategic Planning Office Overall Coordination, Direction and Leadership Communication & Planning Continued Focus on Grants Stewardship 5/22/2014 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 15 Allocation and Issues FY 15 National Allocation $228,219,000 FY 15 R4 Prorata Allocation - $ 20,398,972 FY 15 Net Effect - approx. +$ 228 K PM2.5 and Section 105 Grants – Fully funded FY 15 Congressional Rescission - $40 MM For allocation purposes as of 2/27/15, we used $20,398,972 for pro-rata calculations. This is approximately $49.7 K less than FY 14. However, the final R4 allocation is $20,418,370 as of 4/15/15, which is approximately $35.5 K less than the final R4 allocation in FY 14 The reduction in direct award $ for the Regions was due primarily to higher associated program support (APS) costs at the national level (big ticket items - PAMS equipment replacement costs $700 k and PAMS data analysis costs $150k) Even though there was a slight decrease in the R4 allocation for FY 15, the net effect was an increase of approx. $228 K for distribution. Reason - SESARM/Metro 4 set aside request for FY 15 was $227,737 less than the FY 14 set-aside costs. No technical set-aside costs requested for FY 15 5/21/2015 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 15 Allocation and Issues (con’t) Factors affecting FY 15 funding levels Decrease in Carryover funds available in FY 15 ($400 K in FY 14, $251,973 in FY 15) SESARM/Metro 4 funding request decrease FY 2010-14 Section 105 Grant Close-outs, recovered dollars frozen. 5/21/2015 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2016 Outlook and Workplan Budget Uncertainty Continuing Resolution (s) ? Other Factors – Return of Sequestration? Budget Control Act of 2011 – delayed or eliminated? Budget Scenarios – (1) Pres. Budget Request for FY 16?; (2) Level funding from FY 15 into FY 16? Grant Reallocation – Congressional input for FY 16? 5/21/2015 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2016 Outlook and Workplan (con’t) FY 16/17 NPM Guidance – New Approach on use of multi-year guidance, possibility of 2 year workplans? Air Planning Agreement and other topics – Stuart Perry FY 16 Air Planning Agreement/NPM Guidance Grant Policy Updates Schedule of Activities and Status of Grants 5/21/15 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency