The Giver Chapters 5-9
Chapter 5 - 6 1. “His mother told of a dream fragment, a disquieting scene where she had been chastised for a rule infraction” (34). 2. “The bicycle…would be a powerful emblem of moving gradually out into the community” (41) 3. “’I want to get a good seat in the auditorium’ she prodded Lily to the front door and Jonas followed” (41).
Chapter 5 - 6 4. “Jonas…made his way through the throng to find his group” (41). 5. “The audience applause, which was enthusiastic at each Naming rose in an exuberant swell” (44). 6. “His transgressions were small ones, always: shoes on the wrong feet, schoolwork misplaced, failure to study adequately for a quiz” (45). “He and his groupmates congregated by the tables” (47).
Chapter 5 - 6 1. a) Disquieting – anxious; worrisome; concerning 1. b) Infraction – violation; offence 2. Emblem – symbol; representation; figure 3. Prodded – poked, pointed OR persuade; convinced 4. Throng – crowd; group; pack 5. Exuberant – cheerful; lighthearted; joyful 6. a) Transgressions – wrong doing; sin; crime 6. b) Congregated – gather; come together; meet
Chapter 7 - 9 1. “Finally the Chief Elder paid tribute to the hard work of her committee, which had performed the observations so meticulously all year” (52). 2. “Jonas remembered his mother had called it a job without honor…Birthmother was an important job, if lacking in prestige” (53). 3. “But the next morning [Asher] had done it again. And again the following week. He couldn’t seem to stop, though for each lapse the discipline wand came again” (55).
Chapter 7 - 9 4. “He saw the others in his group glance at him, embarrassed, and then avert their eyes quickly” (57). 5. “The audience was clearly ill at ease. They applauded at the final Assignment; but the applause was piecemeal, no longer a crescendo of united enthusiasm” (59). 6. “Earlier that day, dressing in his own dwelling, he had practiced the kind of jaunty, self assured walk that he hoped he could make to the stage” (60). 7. “Almost instantly the excruciating pain in his hand had diminished to the throb which was, now, all he could recall of the experience” (70).
Chapter 7 - 9 1. Meticulously – attention to detail; careful; precise 2. Prestige – respect; admiration; honor 3. Lapse – temporary failure in memory or judgement 4. Avert – turn away 5. Piecemeal – a little at a time; bit by bit; in steps 6. Crescendo – increase in loudness 7. Jaunty – cheery, happy, lively; confident 8. Excruciating – intensely painful; intense; severe
Chapter 5 - 6 1. What was Jonas’ dream? 1. What was Jonas’ dream? Jonas dreams that he is at The House Of The Old in the bathing room. He is without a shirt and attempts to convince Fiona to take her clothes off and bathe with him. He remembers feeling a strong sense of “wanting [Fiona] so terribly” (36).
Chapter 5 - 6 2. What are stirrings? What does Jonas have to do now that he has them? Jonas’ mother explains that stirrings happen to everyone when they get Jonas’ age. It is clear that he has feelings for Fiona and these are the stirrings his mother is referring to. From now on, Jonas must take a pill every morning as a treatment for the stirrings.
Chapter 5 - 6 3. Why wasn’t Gabriel at the naming? Gabriel was not at the naming, but rather was at the Nurturing Center. Jonas’ father applied for a reprieve so that Gabriel could be nurtured for another year. This was “unusual and special” (42) since reprieves were not usually accepted. The reasons for this was that Gabriel was not sleeping soundly, and was not at the appropriate weight. Instead of being released from the community, Gabriel was labeled Uncertain and would spend days at the Nurturing Center and evenings at Jonas’ home.
Chapter 5 - 6 4. What was the Ceremony of Loss? The Ceremony of Loss took place when there was an accidental death in the community. This was a rarity, but did occur sometimes. The example given in this chapter was of the loss of a child named Caleb to drowning. During the ceremony, the members of the community repeated Caleb’s name, loudly first, then more softly until it “seemed to fade away gradually from everyone’s consciousness” (44).
Chapter 7 - 9 1. What is Asher’s assignment? As a result of his good humor, Asher is given the assignment as Assistant Director of Recreation. Jonas calls this a wonderful placement for his friend.
Chapter 7 - 9 2. What is Jonas selected to do? Why was he selected for this assignment? Jonas is selected to be the next Receiver. He was selected for this assignment because the elders felt that he met the criteria outlined by the current Receiver. The qualities he possesses include intelligence, integrity, and courage. The elders had been watching Jonas for this position for a long time, and every member of the elders supported this selection.
Chapter 7 - 9 3. What does Jonas think of each rule he receives in chapter 9? Jonas was not happy to see from the list of rules that “his schedule left no time, apparently, for recreation” (69). He was very surprised that he was exempted from the rule regarding rudeness; however, he did not feel that he would use this option as courtesy was engrained in him. He was not concerned about not being able to share his dreams as he “dreamed so rarely” (70). He found the rule regarding his inability to receive medication unsettling because he recalled a time when he felt pain from hurting his finger, and medication immediately took the pain away. The rule regarding his inability to apply for release was not concerning as he had never contemplated that option to begin with. The rule regarding lying had the biggest impact as it made Jonas realizes that perhaps the people in his life also have the option of lying.
Chapter 7 - 9 4. Discuss how people get a spouse in Jonas’s community. What is your opinion on this practice? People in Jonas’ community are not able to choose their spouse. The Committee of Elders carefully matches adults who apply for a spouse to the appropriate person. * students will need to provide an opinion on this practice and give support for their views.
Chapter 7 - 9 5. How are children are taught in Jonas’s society? What is your opinion of these methods? The children in Jonas’ community are taught using strict disciplinary measures. It is stated in these chapters that “the punishment used for small children was a regulated system of smacks with a discipline wand…that stung painfully when it was wielded” (54). Students were smacked on the hands for a first offence, and on the legs for a second offence. Asher is smacked continuously for not pronouncing words correctly and, as a result, “he stopped talking altogether, when he was a Three” (55). students will need to provide an opinion on this practice and give support for their views.
Chapter 7 - 9 6. Why do you think it is important that a Receiver have the characteristics named by the Chief Elder at the ceremony? Based on the Chief Elder’s description of this assignment, it is clear that the qualities he names will be important. Intelligence is required, as the Receiver will be required to understand things that are outside the realm of understanding for the rest of the community. Integrity is required since a person who consistently commits transgressions would not be placed in such an honorable role. Finally, courage is required, as the Receiver will be faced with physical pain that requires bravery.
Chapter 5 – 6: Important Ideas: Emotions An example of rejecting strong feelings is the Ceremony of Loss. The word death is not uttered; instead the word “lost” is used. The child is not mourned, but instead his name is chanted loudly and then more quietly until the name is no longer said. This is done in a ritualistic way. By doing this, it stops people from connecting too closely with each other over the death. In the end, the child is replaced by another with the same name as if the loss never occurred.
Chapter 5 – 6: Important Ideas: Emotions Eliminating strong feelings from people the community helps it run more smoothly. Strong emotions like lust, anger, grief etc can lead to conflicts, which is clearly something to be avoided in this society.
Chapter 5 – 6: Historical Context Chanting in unison in groups has historically been a method of uniting a group and preventing opposition. It is a common characteristic of cults.
Chapter 7 – 9: Important Ideas: Education The cruelty of the education system is demonstrated this chapter through what is supposed to be a humorous story about Asher. This is one of the first indications where physical violence is used to keep the community peacefully and unified.
Chapter 7 – 9: Character Development Jonas’ position as Receiver isolates him from his society as he is not permitted to share his experiences with those around him. He also is not forced to follow the conventions of the society. He is able to lie, question practices, and be rude. With only a small amount of freedom, we already see Jonas questioning his society. This is the reason that the rest of the community is permitted no free choice or thought to discourage any dissent.
Chapter 7 – 9: Symbols Eyes play a significant symbolic role in this novel. Jonas’ light eyes immediately distinguish him as unique, and it is almost as if his role as Receiver were predetermined since the Giver also has light eyes. The character of Gabriel also shares this trait. It gives the reader an indication that Gabriel will play a significant role in the story.
Ceremony of Twelve Instructions Each student will receive a career card, announcing their new career to the class. Once you have your career cards, you have a choice of two assignments. You can write a journal about how they feel about their new career. You have to keep in mind that you are a member of Jonas’ community, so you need to write from the perspective of someone who has grown up in this society. Another choice you have is to fill out an application for a job change to go to the committee (however, we know that this is usually not approved since it takes so long for the committee to decide anything). Your journal or application is due next class!