Senior English 12/2/13 Five minutes to study for Quiz #12. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Shakespeare, Hamlet. What two letters spell jealousy? Sciapodous – having very large feet. Goals – Notes on memorization techniques. Discuss reasons and purposes for memorizing and reciting poetry. Poem approvals. Homework – Make sure to have one poem analyzed for approval tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for quiz #13 Friday NV
Senior English 12/3/13 Poetry should... strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance. ~John Keats What do acorns say when they grow up? Philosity – the degree of body hair. Goals –Evaluate a poetry recitation. Check for accuracy. Focus on shifts of tone. Homework – Write your first poem from memory on your daily work paper. Recite it before going to bed. Geometry.
Senior English 12/4/13 Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley How do you spell a hated opponent with only three letters? Aspectabund – of a pleasantly changing coutenance. Goals – View video and evaluate with rubric. Recite your poem with partners and for me. Evaluate poetry recitations. Check for accuracy. Homework –Write your from memory on your daily work paper. Recite it before going to bed. N.M.E.
Senior English 12/5/13 Discipline is not a simple device for securing superficial peace in the classroom; it is the morality of the classroom as a small society. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Axilla – armpit. Goals – Mrs. Day discusses FAFSA. Sign up for accounts. Practice reciting and evaluation of poetry recitations with partners. Class recitation? Homework – Complete memorizing you poem, Be prepared to recite for the class. Marbles – you might lose them.
Senior English 12/6/13 Five minutes to study for vocab. #13. What eight letter word has one letter in it? Carminative – relating to farting; that which induces gas. Goals –Complete vocab. #13 study. Recite your first poem for class mates. Homework – Work on physical presence, voice and articulation, and dramatic appropriateness. envelope