UPCO Workbook p. 17-21 Green Workbook p. 1-3 The 8 Life Functions UPCO Workbook p. 17-21 Green Workbook p. 1-3
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Biology What do you think that the word BIOLOGY means? Write down your personal meaning in your notes Let’s break the word apart: “Bio-” means LIFE “-ology” means THE STUDY OF So, Biology is the study of life What do I mean by “life” The word “life” may conjure up different pictures in different peoples’ minds Life means things that are plant, animal, protists, etc. Life means things that are as old as a sequoia tree or as large as an elephant or as small as a paramecium
What are some things that ALL living things do? Growth and Repair Excretion Nutrition Transport Synthesis Respiration (cellular) Regulation Reproduction* The Gentleman’s Pirate
1- Growth and Repair To increase in size or numbers
2- Excretion To remove metabolic wastes These are wastes that were CREATED by an organisms
3- Nutrition Bringing in or making “food” DIGESTION Breaking down into smaller pieces Use nutrients that are obtained for other life processes. Such as: Growth Repair of injuries Replacement of worn out cells/tissues
4- Transport Absorption and Distribution of materials in an organism YES! Memorize this!!! Moving of materials Into and out of cells Within a cell Within an organism
5- Synthesis To create To make To build Combining smaller parts to make something larger and more useful Used to make large proteins and complex sugars “Making Cookies”
6- Respiration NOT Breathing Gas exchange on a cellular level Do trees breathe? Gas exchange on a cellular level Animals generally inhale oxygen and release carbon dioxide Plants generally take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen Why do we perform this gas exchange? To get ENERGY (ATP) from nutrients Energy is used by ALL cells Occurs in the mitochondria
7- Regulation Control and coordination of life processes Example: What happens when you get hot? Example: Thermostat Single celled organisms Performed by the nucleus Multicellular organisms Performed by nervous system or hormone or both
8- Reproduction* To create a new offspring Only life function NOT necessary for the life of an organism, but necessary for the life of a species In other words, an ORGANISM doesn’t have to reproduce, but a SPECIES does
Metabolism What is Metabolism? NO! (Write this down) Metabolism is NOT how fast you digest your food! Metabolism is ALL of the functions necessary to sustain life In other words, metabolism IS all of the 8 life functions Metabolism is the Gentleman’s Pirate! So, in order to be considered alive, an organism must perform ALL 8 LIFE FUNCTIONS Question: Is water alive?
Other Things There are a few other things that living things do- even though they aren’t considered “life functions” All living things will react in response to a stimulus ie- Plants grow toward the light You pull your arm away from pain …Yawn…
Homeostasis To maintain a stable internal environment despite external chances Failure to maintain homeostasis will result in illness or death
Open your Workbook to p. 19 (1-18) Respiration They both perform the 8 Life Functions I would test if it performs the 8 Life Functions.