FACTAGE Training on Differential Mortality Statistics Austria DSS 2-4 October 2017 Vienna, 25-26 April 2018
Background Life expectancy differences between socio-economic groups become increasingly important (social policy, public pensions, demographic projections) Some European countries cannot provide any figures, and available figures are often produced outside official statistics reduced comparability Voluntary data collection of deaths and population by educational level by Eurostat (UNIDEMO D07, P09): variation in data quality by country
FACTAGE Statistics Austria is involved in the international research project FACTAGE (Fairer Active Ageing for Europe) Methodological developments to analyze socio-economic differences in mortality in a comparable European perspective EU-SILC data: conducted in 35 European countries, harmonized target variables, longitudinal component (survived or died between survey waves) Feasibility study has been finished
Training Session Theory and hands-on exercises in computer lab Generic methodology (not restricted to EU-SILC) 25-26 April 2018 (Wednesday lunchtime – Thursday afternoon) No course fee, food and drinks provided Participants have to pay their own travel & accommodation Places will be limited Express interest asap!
Training Session (2) Target audience: NSIs Other official statistics bodies (e.g., central banks) Researchers with a connection to official statistics People from candidate countries and from NSIs which do not provide figures on differential mortality are especially welcome
Invitation Official invitations will be sent out soon to the members of the following Working Groups Living Conditions Public Health Demography
FACTAGE Training on Differential Mortality Vienna, 25-26 April 2018 Please address queries to: Tobias Goellner Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) 71128-7363 fax: +43 (1) 71128-7445 tobias.goellner@statistik.gv.at