SATs Evening for Parents
What are SATs? Stress? Anxiety? Tension? Strenuous?
SATs Myths Sats are a way of testing the children Children cannot get into secondary school without them Children will be put into groups at their new school based on their Sats results Children are failures if they fail their Sats They are the Be All and End All of school
What do Sats consist of? Maths Spelling (15 minutes) 1 Reading test Maths Spelling (15 minutes) Grammar and Punctuation (45 minutes) Writing is assessed by the teacher and moderated by the local authority
Maths Arithmetic test (30 minutes) Reasoning Paper 1 and 2 (40 minutes each)
Punctuation and Grammar (45 minutes)
What will we be doing? Smaller focus groups Support in class to answer questions and misconceptions Homework linked to Sats style questions Sts sessions picking up on gaps Differentiated work Rounded curriculum Pastoral care of the children
How can you help? Give your child time to wind down Times tables, reading regularly, spellings Attendance at school Don’t pressurise them Help them to understand the strategies rather than practise paper after paper – they will be doing lots in school Pressure at this age often = messing up on the day
Sats are just a snapshot of your child on one particular week.