You are representing India in international bidding for oil exploration in a foreign country. Other, richer countries are also bidding for the project. You are sure that your bid of exploration is better as well as cheaper than that of others and that you will definitely win the bid. A day before the auction, you come to know that other countries are employing every means, including bribing the authorities for being successful. Some of the officials of the home country have also contacted you and made some demands in exchange for the assurance of India winning the bid. You are aware of the criticality of this bid in terms of domestic economic and strategic implications. Based on the above information, answer the following questions. a) Specify the ethical dilemma(s) that you face in this situation. b) Do ethical concerns really matter in international transactions or are they secondary to domestic interests? c) What will be your course of action in the above situation? Justify with merits and demerits
Approach: Page 1 Page 2. Page 3 Identify stakeholders. Explain crux of the matter. 3. Explain ethical dilemma. Page 2. 4. Do ethical concerns really matter in international transactions. Page 3 5. ethical dilemmas involved in Nationwide Doctor's strikes. Would you support the protest? 7. conclude.
Various stakeholders. Myself. Own country. Domestic country. International community.
Explain crux of the matter. Above case is related to role of ethical values in international arena which is considered as value free zone. In this case various players are putting efforts to win oil exploration contract and few are adopting unethical means in order to score that contract. Should a government adhere to high moral principle or promote national interest at any cost is the main ethical issue in this case.
Ethical dilemma in this case: Does End justify the means. Integrity Vs. result oriented approach. Immediate benefits Vs. setting wrong precedence. Crisis of conscience Vs. Individual career growth. National interest Vs. adherence to high moral principles.
However, such realism are fraught with many limitations such as: Do ethical concerns really matter in international transactions or secondary to domestic interest. It is often argued that international forum is value free zone thus pursuing of rational self interest is ethical. Role of idealism is criticised on the ground that governments are representatives of its citizen and promoting citizen’s interest is sole duty of any government. Thus, a country should adopt utilitarian approach and pursue own interest without considering means adopted in achieving it. However, such realism are fraught with many limitations such as:
Loss of soft power of a country. Will set wrong precedence. Do ethical concerns really matter in international transactions or secondary to domestic interest. Such blind pursuit of narrow self interest will lead to situation of anarchy and jeopardised rule based order in international relationship. Mutual distrust will aggravate situation and compromise international cooperation. Loss of soft power of a country. Will set wrong precedence.
Verification of information about bribery in auctioning process. Steps I will take: Verification of information about bribery in auctioning process. Inform my superior authority about the situation seeking their guidance and suggestion. Approach head of the authority handling bidding process and demand more transparent bidding process. Taking my superiors in confidence I will approach judiciary of the home country for intervention. I will also demand for due legal action against corrupt officials.
Will set right precedence at international level. Justification: By upholding ethical principles I will be able to honor integrity of self as well as my country. Giving bribe may get exposed in future leading to loss of fame and resources. Ex: walmart, Augusta westland. Will set right precedence at international level. Such stand will help in bringing institutional reform in entire system. Punishment for corrupt will set deterrence for future.
Corruption can never be foundation for a country's growth. Conclusion: Corruption can never be foundation for a country's growth. Realism is needed at international level but with streak of idealism. Thus, each actor must strive for maintaining rule based order at international level instead of pursuing narrow selfish interest.