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Presentation transcript:

GOFO is not open yet-I will open when bell rings. Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form or Standard Form to Model Situations. GOFO is not open yet-I will open when bell rings.

Bellringer Graph the following equations or inequalities: 1. 𝑦−4=−(𝑥+2) 2. 4𝑦−3𝑥=−12 3. 𝑦≤−2 4. x≥−3 Use this as another graphing pop quiz

BR Compare the graphs below to  f(x). 5. 6. 7. 8.

AGENDA *Mathercise! *Crash Course in the TI-84! *Writing Functions to model relationships-equations & inequalities *Scoot A1.A.CED.A.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations with two variables on coordinate axes with labels and scales.

demonstrate each transformation Begin with the parent Function: y=x demonstrate each transformation as they are shown with your arms.

Flash Cards-set to definitions https://quizlet.com/_73ltxc

TI-84 Crash Course *Graphing an equation *Changing the Domain and Range (WINDOW) *Tracing the line for values *Using Tables to Compare for Best Buys

Coach A: f(x)= 5000+450x Coach B: g(x)= 4000+700x

Graph on your Calculator.

Change the Domain & Range for a better View with WINDOW

Tracing a Line

Make a table… x f(x)=5000+450x g(x)=4000+700x 5000 4000 1 5450 4700 2 5000 4000 1 5450 4700 2 5900 5200 3 6350 4 6800

At the press of a (couple of buttons).

If you have a standard form equation-to use TI-84, must convert to SLOPE-INT FORM It does a lot but not everything for you. Also, let’s try graphing an inequality. 2𝑥+4𝑦>8

Table Scoot-8 situations Define variables Table Scoot-8 situations Define variables. Write an equation or inequality and graph it on the TI-84. Could be slope-int, standard, or pt-slope form to begin. Check with a table on TI-84. Answer all questions in GOFO. *To upload a pic of your graph, you may use a cabel or take a pic of your screen with computer.

Alpha A family has budgeted no more than $30 for food. Define variables. 1. X represents ____________ 2. y represents ________________ 3. Write an equation or inequality and graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 4. Check with a table on TI-84. (upload a pic) 5. What is the y-intercept of the graph & 6. What does the y-intercept represent? 7. Could the family buy 11 hamburgers and 9 hot dogs?

BETA Lorena and Benita are saving money. They began on the same day. Lorena started with $40. Each week she adds $8. The graph describes Benita’s savings plan. 1. Write an equation or inequality for Lorena 2. Write an equation or inequality for Benita. 3. Graph both equations/inequalities on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 4. Create a table on TI-84 and determine when both girls will have the same amount in their accounts. (upload a pic) 5. Who has more money in the account after week 9? Use the table or graph to justify.

GAMMA Julio and Jake start their reading assignments the same day. Jake is reading a 168-page book at a rate of 24 pages per day. Julio’s book is 180 pages long and his reading rate is 1 1 /4 times Jake’s rate. After 5 days, who will have more pages left to read? How many more? Explain your reasoning. 1. Write an equation or inequality for Julio 2. Write an equation or inequality for Jake. 3. Graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 4. Create a table on TI-84 and determine when both guys will have the same amount of pages left to read. (upload a pic) 5. After 5 days, who will have more pages left to read?

Delta The members of a wheelchair basketball league are playing a benefit Game to raise funds for a new court. They want to raise at least $900 and are selling tickets for $15 and concessions for $6 each. Define variables. 1. x= 2. y= 3. Write an equation or inequality and graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 4. Check with a table on TI-84. (upload a pic) 5. What is the x-intercept of the graph & 6. What does the x-intercept represent? 7. If the team sells 50 tickets, how many snack must they sell to exceed their goal?

Paul wants to place an ad in a newspaper Paul wants to place an ad in a newspaper. The newspaper charges $10 for the first 2 lines of text and $3 for each additional line of text. Paul’s ad is 8 lines long. Let x represent the number of lines of text. Let y represent the cost in dollars of the ad. KAPPA 1. Write an equation or inequality and graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 2. Check with a table on TI-84. (upload a pic) 3. How much will the ad cost? How many lines of text could Paul purchase if he budgets $50 for the ad? Because 2 lines of text cost $10, the point (2, 10) is on the line. The rate of change in the cost is $3 per line, so the slope is 3.

Lamda A roller skating rink offers a special rate for birthday parties. On the same day, a party for 10 skaters cost $107 and a party for 15 skaters cost $137. 1. Write an equation or inequality in point-slope form and graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 2. Check with a table on TI-84. (upload a pic) 3. How much would a party for 12 skaters cost? 4. If the rink discounts their rate by 25%, what would be the maximum number of skaters you could invite to your party if the budget is $150? m = 137 - 107 _ 15 - 10 = 6 A party for 12 skaters would cost $119. y - 107 = 6 (x - 10) y - 107 = 6 (12 - 10) y = 119 Teacher p. 254

A restaurant needs to plan seating for a party of 150 people A restaurant needs to plan seating for a party of 150 people. Large tables seat 10 people and small tables seat 6. Let x represent the number of large tables and y represent the number of small tables. Sigma 1. Write an equation or inequality in standard form and graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 2. Check with a table on TI-84. (upload a pic) 3. What is the x-intercept and What does the x-intercept represent? 4. The party planner says there needs to be only two large tables, how many small tables will be needed?

An airplane takes off with a full tank of 40,000 gallons of fuel and flies at an average speed of 550 miles per hour. After 8 hours in flight, there are 14,000 gallons of fuel left. It will take another 3.5 hours for the plane to reach its destination. How much fuel will be left in the tank when the plane lands? What is the total distance of the flight? OMEGA 1. How much fuel does the plane use each hour? 2. Write an equation or inequality that describes the relationship between time and gallons of fuel left and graph it on the TI-84. (upload a pic) 3. Check with a table on TI-84. (upload a pic) 4. What is the x-intercept and What does the x-intercept represent? 5. What is the total distance of the flight?

CAN YOU…​ 1.  find the rate of change (slope) given a table, graph, or set of points?​ 2.  graph a line given in slope-intercept, standard, point-slope, and vertical/horizontal lines? ​ 3.  solve for x-intercepts and y-intercepts and interpret what they mean in terms of a context?​ 4. convert between the different forms of a linear equation? slope-intercept, standard, pt-slope​ 5.  compare functions (which has greater slope, y-int,)?​ 6.  graph a linear inequality and determine viable solutions? ​ 7. solve word problems by writing equations or inequalities to model contexts, graph and use a table on TI-84 EoS due Tuesday 9/24/19 20 problems from text cite page & number Unit 3 test Tuesday