A Good Life in Old Age Building Health Partnerships: self-care


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Presentation transcript:

A Good Life in Old Age Building Health Partnerships: self-care Partnership meeting two: Action planning results 17 October 2017 @IVAR_UK @SocialEnt_UK #BHPselfcare

Purpose of session To share back from last time Be inspired and learn from examples of lived experience Think about how non-medical support can contribute to self care in our communities Find a better way of working together across organisations Take the opportunity to influence key decisions Develop ideas to take forward @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

Idea under development: Maintaining and increasing carer resilience (including access to and provision of respite, to enable carers to ‘take a break’ from their caring roles. Buddying / befriending services too, were discussed). What will it take to make it happen? Courses / Workshops – ‘Caring with Confidence’ / ‘Looking after yourself’ Identifying carers early in their ‘caring journey’ – register with GP, more GP link volunteers to identify carers in surgeries (Carers Support Centre Initiative) Expectations are that 10% of GP caseload will usually be carers, however registers do not reflect this. More flexible GP appointments for carers Increase volunteering opportunities and training in; advice, information and guidance work – potential for NVQ accredited training to encourage more younger people to become volunteers Recognition and understanding that the voluntary sector needs to be adequately resourced. Helped by looking at the research and evidence base to develop commissioning strategies and Compact compliant contracting i.e. 3-5 year agreements. What skills and capacity can we draw on? Carers Support Centre, Bristol and South Gloucestershire Alliance Living – North Somerset Identify carers at flu clinics Receptionists at GP surgeries are great for identifying people at risk Well Aware website Very next steps: A Compact that is STP-wide between voluntary and statutory sector and a ‘grown up conversation’ Support for carers to be included in any discharge to assess expansion bids. Share work from Herefordshire & Worcestershire STP - ‘Think Carer’ @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

Idea under development: Digital signposting platform that’s social, personal and local. Includes: - Directory of services e.g. debt management - Links to local forums for different conditions - Links to social prescribing opportunities - Connected to a physical signposting/social prescribing role at GP surgeries (cluster level) What will it take to make it happen? - Build on what is already out there - Coproduce with ‘powerful’ patient group, set up local pilot around an area/pathway/diagnosis e.g. dementia - Central set up (i.e. BNSSG STP) & overall moderator - Engagement with private sector on IT and usability - Make the idea attractive to NHS e.g. avoiding hospital admissions - Make sure older people are supported to use IT What skills and capacity can we draw on? CVSs Well Aware – Care Forum West of England Academic health Science Network University of the Third Age Patient Participation Groups (Julian Simcox) Public Health Local Authorities Very next steps: Clarity around purpose: What are the benefits? Who is it for? At what level should it be sold? Research and development - Take the idea to North Somerset PPG Chairs Group. Engage with patients to sense check whether this is something they would want - Engage with BNSSG and practitioners – would this be useful? - What funding initiatives are currently available? @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

- Linking with schools/nurseries/universities (UWE) Idea under development: Intergenerational work to support self-care in later life including the use of technology to support self-care (young people show technology to older people and provide a social connection). - Age specific depending on opportunity - Targeted to conditions that cost the NHS most £ - Multiple settings: community spaces, care homes, housebound What will it take to make it happen? - Linking with schools/nurseries/universities (UWE) - Use technology that’s out there - Gather evidence (Forester report), build business case - Define the ‘community-led’ model - Start with diabetes (link young people with older) - Some commitment of funding for a duration - Identify community of diabetes incl. young people, older people and BAME What skills and capacity can we draw on? - Proteus in commercial sector (technology apps) - West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEASHN) - Community spaces/cafes - Multiple/regular communication on what’s happening - Link to school curriculum (Western College/UWE/Scouts/Duke of Edinburgh) - Workforce development Very next steps: - Define model and create briefing paper to take to diabetes pathway meeting on 8th Nov - Expertise in intergenerational scheme (Simon Hankins can provide) - Clinical expertise (Diabetes & Nutrition Service) - Engage with WEAHSN (West of England Academic Health Science Network) @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

Idea under development: Connectors into GP surgeries linked to community based services e.g. community café/training/befriending Individuals identify people in surgeries then directly refer to organisations or to more knowledgeable connectors. What will it take to make it happen? - Training for connectors and public health workers - Management of connectors - Create a ‘Wikipedia’ of social connecting – managed, ongoing, buy-in from commissioners - Community venue- existing groups - Creativity of who the connectors are and projects to refer to - A cost benefit analysis What skills and capacity can we draw on? - Existing social prescribing (and similar) services, mapping, directory - Local knowledge - Connector networks Very next steps: - Research impact of existing similar projects, share learning - Case studies, patient stories - Self-care GP champions – identify some - Define the proposal – model - Start to cost compared with others (Public Health England) have a preventative cost case @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

Other ideas (things to do) Self-care groups across all GP surgeries with support from VCSE groups Encourage peer support to maintain community contact Community groups teaching IT Making Every Contact Count Referrals from GPs and community groups into social prescribing to reduce isolation Getting information about initiatives out into the community Volunteers in GP surgeries Community transport to enable self-care Training in local community projects e.g. motivational interviewing skills Community Webs for self-care Community group outreach (finding the gaps) Updated directory of services/digital front door/portal Assistive technology marketplace to support engagement (e.g. visual impairment) Make health events fun: Walks for health, tea clubs, dance clubs, Men in Sheds Tapping into community projects for knowledge (that isn’t held city or region-wide) What about the 60-80%? Setting goals: What can I do more of? (exercise, diet, reduce alcohol) Make better use of what’s out there e.g. health TV programmes Invest in community development agencies @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare

Ways to be doing things (cultural shifts) Value tangibly those who support wellbeing (as with health) Support around barriers such as fuel poverty Strategic leadership on self care/community-led solutions Use IT to collaborate/communicate Support those that want to volunteer Encouraging positive mental health will impact on physical health Celebrate individual benefit Get people living healthier before they reach crisis Share risk, information and resources De-medicalise language around self-care @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare