2019 Parent/Athlete Meeting Rock Canyon XC 2019 Parent/Athlete Meeting
Coaching Staff Dan Davies Head Coach dan.davies@dcsdk12.org - 720-308-4123 Emily Tremaine Asst. Coach Emily.Tremaine@dcsdk12.org Daniel Grant Asst. Coach Daniel.grant.pcbz@gmail.com
Team Vision and Philosophy High school sports can and should be a very prominent part of the mental, physical, and social growth process for high school students. We know that high school sports can contribute greatly to the values and ethics of each athlete, that positive experiences teach important life skills, encourages teamwork, helps shape character and citizenship, and encourages a healthy life style. The student/athlete who recognizes the essential nature of teamwork, communication, and commitment, will benefit greatly from their Jags XC experience.
Team Information Team Website: https://canyoncountryxc.weebly.com/ Team Website updated weekly on Sunday evening Practice/Meet Schedule Training Plans updated weekly Team Policies Fall Break Information
Social Media Twitter - https://twitter.com/canyonXCTF Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/canyoncountry.track.xc/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/canyoncountry.track.xc/
Season Practice and Meet Info Regular Season – August 12 – October 26 2019 Meet Schedule on Team Website Practices – 3:10 to 5:30pm M-F Saturday Practices 7:30am (off site when no meet) Varsity mandatory/JV highly encouraged! During lightning delays/inclement weather, we will remain inside until safe, but will always practice
Levels of Competition Varsity – Usually top 7 runners (some meets 9 or 10 run) JV – Runners 8 and beyond B Races – Runners 8-14 C Races – Runners 15 and Beyond Frosh –Soph – 9th and 10th Grade Only Rosters/Race Schedule will be posted 2-3 days before every Invitational.
Meet Expectations All athletes will ride the bus to meets (unless one is not provided). Athletes not riding the bus home, will be signed out by a coach after the Team Wrap-up at the end of each meet. All Athletes will remain at every meet until the last race and Team Wrap-up is concluded. We are here to support each other throughout every race.
California Trip-Sept 20-22 This year we will be taking our Top 7 Boys and Girls to the Woodbridge Invitational in Southern Calif. The top 7 spots will be based on performances from Vista and Liberty Bell Meets. Athletes will be informed immediately after Liberty Bell Invite. Approximate cost for trip 400.00 – 500.00 per athlete (meals excluded.) All other athletes will compete at Columbine that weekend.
Fall Break October 12-20 League Championship Oct 9th, is the last meet all athletes are eligible to compete. Top 9 Runners will move on to Regional Championships Oct 17. Top 7 Runners move on to State Championships Oct 26. Athletes Competing in Regionals, State, and NXN-Arizona Nov 21, are required to be at all practices Oct 12-20 in order to be eligible to compete at these races.
Nike Cross Southwest Nike Cross Regionals Southwest, Casa Grande, AZ November 21st-23rd Compete as RCXC Club for a chance to qualify for the National Championship. Athletes pay for entire trip (usually around $500). Athletes must be at all practices after the League meet, and during Fall Break to attend NXRSW w/ the team. Athletes will be invited immediately after our Regional Championships. Usually 30-33 athletes are invited to attend
Shoes and Running Apparel Expert advice on proper shoe and fit at Runners Roost Lone Tree RCHS Team Night, Thursday August 15, 15% off everything, 10% of sales goes back to RCHS XC Shoes on the average will last 300-400 miles or 2 to 3 months, after that time to get new shoes. Team Uniforms – Every athlete will be given Racing Singlet, Warm-up Jacket/Pants, Shorts can be purchased via Denver Athletic Web Store
Parent Support Attend as many meets as possible wearing 2019 Team Shirt During Meets give athletes space at Team Camp so they can focus on race. Help with RCHS Invite Sept. 14th. Help with Team Feeds Help at Team Awards Night Carpool help when needed
Parent Support Continued 2019 Team Mom – Abby O’Reilly – Please help Abby as the more parents that pitch in, the more successful our events will be. Fundraising – We are asking that each family donate 50.00 to cover 1 coaching position, as well as other costs (entry fees, minor equipment). My school bucks donation link on Team weebly website. Nutrition/Hydration – Stay around for Dietitian and National Class Runner Maddie Alm’s Presentation. Questions???