Upcoming, Important Dates: 02/13/2019 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you: Wednesday (02/13) – Writing Fair Entries Due - Work Place Wednesday Thursday (02/14) – Valentine’s Day Attire - $1 Friday (02/15) – Valentine’s Dance (4:30-6:00) Monday (02/18)-Friday (02/22) – Winter Break – No School Go get your breakfast NOW. Do not wait. Turn in any signed paperwork to the homeroom bin. If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 02/13/19 Debate It: Organizing and Communicating an Argument SpringBoard – p. 209 Read the chart “How teens use social media sites”. On page 209, answer the following questions on the blue column marked “notes”: How do you relate to this data? What surprises you? In what other way could this information could be shown?
Language Arts – Work Session 02/13/19 Essential Question: Why do we have controversy in society? How do we communicate in order to convince others? Standard: ELACC6SL1 – Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Language Arts – Work Session 02/13/19 Debate It: Organizing and Communicating an Argument SpringBoard – p. 210-211 Read the article “Social Networking’s Good and Bad Impacts on Kids”. Annotate as we read. (Annotation Key = I.A.N. p. 57) Circle unknown words and phrases.
Language Arts – Work Session 02/13/19 Debate It: Organizing and Communicating an Argument SpringBoard – p. 211 Answer your group’s question and put the information in both your SpringBoard book and on your Post-It. We will share answers from other groups and have a discussion momentarily. Define your circled unknown words and phrases.
Language Arts – Work Session 02/13/19 Debate It: Organizing and Communicating an Argument SpringBoard – p. 213-216 Read the article “Pro and Con Arguments: Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?”. Annotate as we read. (Annotation Key = I.A.N. p. 57) Circle unknown words and phrases.
Language Arts – Work Session 02/13/19 Debate It: Organizing and Communicating an Argument SpringBoard – p. 217 Answer your group’s question and put the information in both your SpringBoard book and on your Post-It. We will share answers from other groups and have a discussion momentarily. Define your circled unknown words and phrases.
Language Arts – Closing Session 02/13/19 Read You will have a Biblionasium due on February 28. You should be halfway through your book by Friday. Homework: Read! Check your Student Vue account! Writing Fair Entries – Due TODAY!