Building New Rotary Clubs Converting RI’s Nine Step Process into A District Club Growth Initiative Michael Hayes, ARC Fort Wayne Summit
Nine Steps to Starting a Rotary Club
Steps 1 - 4 Identify a locality for the New Club Get organized Make a Communication Plan Hold informational meetings
Steps 5 - 9 5. Recruit Charter Members 6. Hold Organizational Meetings 7. Submit the New Club Application 8. Celebrate the Charter and Publicize the club 9. Continue Developing the new club
Developing a District New Rotary Club Initiative
Step I – Develop The Plan
Develop the Plan District Membership Chair (DMC) works with District Governor (DG) and District Governor Elect (DGE) to agree on a multiyear plan to develop new clubs
Develop the Plan The Plan will include: G line support for the plan and the DMC A communication strategy internal to the District with delivery methods defined A defined strategy with tactics and assigned responsibilities
Step II - Announce
Announce A Big Announcement: Will generate interest and ideas May cause Rotarians to help or participate Demonstrates commitment to District growth May reduce resistance to change Will help the ADG do their job
Step III Identify Opportunities District Membership Chair
Identify Opportunities The district must embark on a process to identify: New Club opportunities Rotarians and Clubs who want to help
Identify Opportunities Opportunities for New Clubs and Satellite Clubs exist in every District.
Step IV Explore the Opportunities District Membership Chair
Explore the Opportunities Prioritize the List of Opportunities: Not all opportunities are created equal. Rate and force rank all opportunities. Identify the high value opportunities to pursue.
Explore the Opportunities Review the outcomes of the investigation phase with the G Line. Gain their support and buy in Inform them of surprises and areas of resistance Proceed as a unified team
Step V Start building New Clubs District Membership Chair
Start Building New Clubs Take the top priority opportunities: Establish Key Contacts and create a team Organize and recruit Train on attraction strategies Put Club organization in place, submit application Put retention/engagement strategies into action
Start Building New Clubs When building new clubs: Do not become overly ambitious, work on one or two opportunities at a time Some opportunities will evolve to Satellite Club status. Shift those efforts to the Club level Engage the new Club with the District and keep the G Line involved
Step VI – Celebrate Success!!!
Celebrate Success Honor the Signing of the Charter Advertise the ceremony Invite Community leaders and dignitaries Announce Club Plans for Service Projects Accolades for responsible parties
Step VII – Next Steps
Next Steps Review the priority list Adjust Priority List based on learnings or changes since its creation Review update with the G Line Begin work on another club