Getting to Know Dynamic Learning Systems (DLM) Webinars September 11 and 12, 2019 Karen Greer Program Manager Assessment Bureau
Intended Outcomes Have a basic understanding of features of the new alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities Access teacher training resources to learn about DLM’s alternate standards, Essential Elements Implement Essential Elements in classrooms Know about resources for further information
Agenda Background of state assessment system DLM selection Who takes DLM? DLM overview DLM roll out activities What’s next? Focus on assessments contributing to accountability
DLM is a Part of New Mexico’s Assessment System
New Mexico is a member of the DLM Consortium
New Mexico’s Statewide Assessment Model Aligned to state adopted academic standards Produces results used to inform college and/or career readiness Undergirds the belief that all students can learn and achieve at high levels Holds schools and the PED accountable to create equity and opportunities for students New Mexico's Statewide Assessment Program NM-MSSA NMAPA DLM Early Child. Observ. Tool EOCs & Precision CTE NAEP ACCESS & ALT-ACCESS NM-ASR Science Istation College Entrance Exam NM Measure of Student Success and Achievement
Federally Required Assessments: 2020 Administration Subjects Tested Grades Assessed Students with Disabilities Participating in General Education Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Math/ELA 3-8 NM-MSSA 3-8 Math/ELA 11 College Entrance TBD 11 Math/ELA Science 5, 8, & 11 NM-ASR Science 5, 8, & 11 Science Social Studies Changes: 9, 10 will not participate Science grade changes No SS, not an ESSA requirement DLM parallels the general education assessment
DLM Selection Contract with NMAPA is ending, last administration this fall.
How DLM Was Selected Research on alternate academic assessment consortia Steering committee formed – Special education leaders and District Test Coordinators March-April 2019 Webinar presentations by two consortia Evaluations by steering committee and NMPED staff Joint decision between Special Education and Assessment Bureaus Advantages of consortium: much lower cost, network of partner states sharing resources, solving problems Last year I requested volunteers to assist with selection. Raise hands DLM Major advantages: Science assessment aligned with Next Generation Science Standards; instructionally embedded assessments and instructional supports
Why was DLM Selected? Science is included in the assessment Based on alternate academic standards Essential Elements (EEs) EEs aligned to Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards Computer adaptive test administered online with paper option Delivered as “testlets” – short, instructionally relevant groups of items that share a common context Optional Instructionally Embedded assessments Testlets allow flexibility for student attention, fatigue
Who takes DLM?
Eligible Students According to New Mexico Code Severe cognitive impairment Must affect student in multiple settings (school, home, and community) Must be determined by an IEP team, a group of individuals with a clear understanding of the student’s needs (3) NMAC
Other Factors to Consider Inspire Conference 5/30/2019 Other Factors to Consider Student’s curriculum/instruction is based on alternate content standards Even with accommodations the student is unable to meet the general academic content standards Student's learning cannot be measured using the general assessment
Inspire Conference 5/30/2019 What NOT to Consider Students with cognitive impairments working toward the general ed content standards with numerous, intensive accommodations Predicted performance on the general assessment shows little chance of scoring proficient Social, cultural, or environmental factors English Language proficiency Classroom placement, services, or eligibility category Poor attendance Students with emotional and behavioral concerns who may disrupt the assessment Administrative decisions or calculations of 1% cap These concerns should be addressed in how the student is tested, rather than using foreseen emotional or behavioral issues as a reason for the student to take the alternate assessment. English Language Proficiency This does not have any bearing on whether or not the student takes alt assmt, but does raise a flag that the team will also need to follow the EL assessment selection process for the EL assessment.
Inspire Conference . 5/30/2019 Students Who Should NOT Take the Alternate Assessment: Most common confusing issues Students with a Section 504 plan Students who only receive English Learner services Students not yet eligible for special education services, such as students participating in a tier II intervention in a multi-layered system of support Students with disabilities that may impact academics but generally do not affect cognitive or adaptive function, e.g., speech-language impairments or most students with a specific learning disability Students with cognitive impairments who are working toward the general content standards in regular classes with accommodations should take the general assessment with concomitant accommodations In other words, Students regarded as having a disabling condition, but not receiving specialized instruction under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
DLM Overview
DLM Core Beliefs The DLM Consortium is guided by two core beliefs: All students should have access to challenging, grade-level content. Test administrators should adhere to the highest levels of integrity in providing instruction and in administering assessments based on this challenging content.
*Learning Maps in Development DLM Structure ELA and Math Science Domain *Learning Maps in Development Core Idea Topic Essential Elements
Essential Elements Learning targets for the assessments Bridge from grade-level content standards to academic expectations for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities ELA and mathematics Linked to college and career readiness standards Science Linked to the National Research Council’s Framework for K-12
Linkage Levels for ELA and Math Complexity Initial Precursor Least complex; Foundational Distal Precursor Knowledge and skills needed to reach the target Proximal Precursor Provides access to the target Target Aligns to content of the Essential Element Successor Progresses beyond the target
Linkage Levels for Science Complexity Initial Least complex Precursor More complex Target Aligns with Essential Element
Item Types Items types include Multiple-choice (most common) Sorting Matching Select text Item types vary depending on the linkage level of the testlet
Testlets Each testlet contains an engagement activity and items. Engagement activity increases instructional relevance Engagement activity at beginning of testlet Multiple items follow 3–9 items in each testlet Each testlet assesses only one Essential Element Exception: Writing testlets
Timing of Testlets English Language Arts Mathematics Science 10 to 15 minutes per testlet to complete All students receive 1 writing testlet Mathematics 6 to 8 testlets 5 to 15 minutes per testlet to complete Science 9 or 10 testlets Untimed Ranges because Computer adapts items based on student’s performance ELA Longer because of reading item twice 90-135 minutes total Math 30-120 minutes total Science 90-150 minutes total Complete 210-400 minutes over a month
Testlet Types: Teacher-Administered and Computer-Delivered
Test Delivery Teacher-Administered Outside of Student Portal Computer-Delivered Directly to students online via Kite® Student Portal Online content is for the test administrator Test administrator sets up, delivers, and records responses Mainly at initial linkage levels Students interact independently with the computer using assistive technology as necessary More common at upper linkage levels TA has flexibility to enter student responses, many variations
Accessible Content Testlet levels Core vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary Careful attention to unnecessary complexity System adapts between testlets Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) incorporated into item development process
DLM Roll Out From instruction to assessment
Facilitated Module
Instruction: Opportunities to Learn DLM Fundamentals Professional Development modules online Who are Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities? Universal Design for Learning DLM Essential Elements (EEs) Overview IEPs Linked to the DLM EEs Released items from previous DLM assessments can be found at Strongly recommend Teachers can earn CEU certificate toward credential tiers, part of LEA Staff Development plan Facilitated or individual Hosted by University of North Carolina in partnership with DLM Intent is to get teachers applying Ees in classroom so students have an opportunity to learn prior to testing.
Instructional Resources Educator Resource Page Essential Elements and Learning Map Model Resources Guide to the foundational area of the learning map model Professional development modules supporting Essential Elements Assessment Administration Resources Instructional and Informational Videos Science Activities Demo Website NM web site
PD Modules Supporting Essential Elements https://dynamiclearningmaps Found at NM Teacher Resources
Test Administration 3/9/ - 4/10/2020 Test Window January TA Training & Certification Early February Data cleaning and rostering Mid-February TAs complete First Contact and Personal Needs and Preferences Profile 3/9/ - 4/10/2020 Test Window Early June Data corrections Mid-June Score reports available online Further out plans, heads up Test window consistent with past NMAPA calendar Questions about DLM?
Instructionally Embedded Assessment Optional feature included with Year End test model, would like to pilot Benefits for Teachers – Instructional Guidance Give teachers time to develop and implement instruction for the chosen Essential Elements experience administering testlets Allow teachers to adjust instructional plans and reassess students as needed Benefits for Students – Test Admin Practice, Provide opportunities for students to take testlets customized for individual needs Provide more opportunities for students to show what they know and can do
What’s Next?
NMAPA Fall 2019 Senior Retake Who takes it? Grade 12 and 12+ students who need to pass NMAPA as a graduation requirement When do they take it? October 14 – November 1, 2019 When will LEAs get results? Reports are due in districts January 27, 2019 Cohort 2020 or earlier, That is students who entered grade 9 in SY 16-17 or earlier
Test NMAPA Test Administrators (TA) Certification TAs must be certificated or licensed and familiar with the student District Test Coordinators (DTCs) create NMAPA accounts for TAs Training modules are accessible online through the NMAPA web site TAs who attended the in-person NMAPA training within the last three years are not required to take the training. WARNING! Lack of TA certification may lead to a student’s test scores being invalidated. As of Dec. 2017, licensure added. DIS providers,Paraeducators do not qualify.
Say good-bye to NMAPA and EGBEs Extended Grade Band Expectations, alternate standards underpinning NMAPA.
NMPED’s To Do List Develop definition of “severe cognitive disability” Develop guidance for IEP teams for placement options in assessments – general education with accessibility supports, accommodations, alternate assessments Roll out new alternate assessment, DLM, and alternate standards, Essential Elements Explore the interface between Unique Learning System assessments and DLM instructionally embedded assessments Adopt Essential Elements to replace EGBEs
Resources District Test Coordinator DLM Web Site Inspire Conference 5/30/2019 Resources District Test Coordinator DLM Web Site New Mexico DLM Web Site NMPED Assessment Bureau web page. Includes links to all assessments and NMPED resources STOP here
Inspire Conference 5/30/2019 References Federal Statute: Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I, Part A, Subpart 1, Section 1111, (b), 3, C New Mexico Statute: 22-2C-4 NMSA 1978 5.pdf