APUR 101 – Introduction to USCA Purchasing This session will provide a basic understanding of USC Aiken purchasing guidelines and procedures
A unit of Campus Auxiliary & Support Services, the Purchasing Department is staffed by Heidi DiFranco heidid@usca.edu 3397 Jeff Jenik jeffj@usca.edu 3258 and reports directly to the Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration
AUTHORITY USC Aiken adheres to USCA policies, USC Columbia policies and the South Carolina Procurement Code. The USCA Purchasing Department has the sole authority and responsibility for all purchasing transactions at USCA up to $50,000.00 per good/commodity or service. Individuals who possess a State Procurement Card, and have completed the purchasing card orientation session, have been granted purchasing authority up to $4,999.99 per transaction and must comply with all rules and regulations stated in the policy.
For a general understanding as to how items are purchased, the following steps are completed for each and every transaction when a university P-card is not being utilized.
Purchases up to $4,999.99, including tax and shipping charges METHODS OF PURCHASING Purchasing Card Purchases up to $4,999.99, including tax and shipping charges Used for official University of South Carolina purchases Types of Purchases: Operational supplies Selected contractual services Memberships dues with appropriate signature authority Excluding food, assets, personal consumption items, travel related expenses and all radioactive materials See Purchasing for a more detailed list of non-allowable p-card purchases
METHODS OF PURCHASING (Cont’d) Payment Request Purchases over $4999.99 but less than $9,999.99 If is it is not an asset or radioactive materials. If you have an invoice and have already received the goods or services. Can be used for purchases under $5,000.00, if supplier does not accept the purchasing card All purchases, regardless of payment method, must still adhere to the SC Procurement Code & USC policies mandating utilization of State Contracts
METHODS OF PURCHASING (Cont’d) Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order Purchase Requisitions are created in PeopleSoft, to create a purchase order for goods or services that have not yet been ordered or received. The Purchase Requisition starts the ordering or bidding process. Once the requisition receives departmental and funding approval, a Purchase Order is created in PeopleSoft and is received by the Purchasing Department for review to: Dispatch the purchase order to the supplier or Initiate the bidding process for goods and services exceeding $9,999.99.
METHODS OF PURCHASING (Cont’d) Purchase Order (PO) The PO constitutes a binding contract between the University and the supplier. No changes, additions, deletions or cancellations may be made to the PO without approval from the Purchasing Department. Please remember: Splitting of orders is prohibited
Types of Procurement Competitive Quotations State Contracts Sole Source Purchases Emergency Purchases
PURCHASES FOR NON-CONSTRUCTION GOODS & SERVICES $0.01 - $10,000.00 (inclusive of shipping and excluding tax) May solicit only one source provided requisition is annotated “Price is Fair and Reasonable”. $10,000.01 - $50,000.00 (inclusive of shipping and excluding tax) “Request for Quotation” must be made for any purchases over ten thousand dollars but not in excess of fifty thousand dollars to obtain maximum competition. The procurement must be advertised at least once in the South Carolina Business Opportunities publication. The award shall be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. $50,000.01 and up Requires sealed bidding and must be coordinated with USC Columbia.
State Fiscal Accountability Authority (SFAA) Contracts State Contracts The State establishes term contracts for goods and services that are in high demand. Items on State of South Carolina term contracts require mandatory usage by State agencies in accordance with the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code. State Fiscal Accountability Authority (SFAA) Contracts https://procurement.sc.gov/agency/contracts/goods-and-services Information Technology Management Office (ITMO) Contracts https://procurement.sc.gov/agency/contracts/information-technology
Sole Source Purchases This kind of procurement is permissible only when there is a single supplier for the requirement(s). If the department has a valid sole-source requirement, it must request sole-source procurement by completely documenting the reasons with any back-up information to justify the sole-source. Approval must be obtained in writing, through the Director of Purchasing and from the Senior Vice President for Administration and Chief Operating Officer or the Associate Vice President for Business Affairs prior to any commitment being made. If there is any reasonable doubt, competition will be attempted by the Purchasing Department.
Lack of planning does not constitute an emergency! Emergency Purchases An emergency condition is a situation that creates a threat to public health, welfare or safety. The existence of such conditions must create an immediate and serious need for supplies or services that cannot be met through normal purchasing procedures and the lack of would seriously threaten: The functioning of State Government The preservation or protection of property The health and safety of any person Emergency purchases are limited to the goods or services needed to address the immediate emergency and as much competition as practical must be obtained. Lack of planning does not constitute an emergency!
PeopleSoft Training Related Resources https://www. sc PeopleSoft Training Related Resources https://www.sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/division_of_information_technology/peoplesoft/resources/ Purchasing Training Related Resources https://www.sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/division_of_information_technology/peoplesoft/resources/purchasingresources.php PeopleSoft Training Courses https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/division_of_information_technology/peoplesoft/training/in-persontraining.php