Qualified persons of pharmaceutical manufacturers Training of Qualified persons of pharmaceutical manufacturers Pyatigorskaya Nataliya Valeryevna Head of Department of Industrial Pharmacy Sechenov University Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, Professor
Requirements stated in EEC Council Decision No Requirements stated in EEC Council Decision No. 73 “On the certification procedure of Qualified persons of pharmaceutical manufacturers” applied (medical and biological) physics; general and inorganic chemistry; organic chemistry; analytical chemistry; pharmaceutical chemistry (including drug analysis); biological chemistry; physiology; microbiology; pharmacology; pharmaceutical technology; toxicology; pharmacognosy.
Training program "Industrial Pharmacy" approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on December 1, 2016
Master's program «Industrial pharmacy» Entrance examination: General and inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Analytical chemistry Basics of biology Basics of pharmaceutical management Enrollment: 2018 - 30 people 2019 - 43 people
General professional competences conducting and organizing research in the field of drug circulation; analysis, systematization and presentation of research data; application of innovative process management methods; determination of methods and tools for quality assurance used in the field of drug circulation taking into account the life cycle of the drug; organization, management and administration of production, regulatory or research departments in accordance with established requirements and best practices; organization of interaction between drug manufacturers, research organizations with regulatory bodies that exercise powers in the field of drug circulation.
Progress indicators: Professional competence Able to manage the work of the pharmaceutical quality system (PQS) for the production of medicines Progress indicators: Plans and evaluates PQS Plans and analyzes the basic elements and processes of PQS and GMP Applies theoretical fundamental knowledge in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, physics, pharmacology, microbiology, toxicology and pharmaceutical sciences to analyze and solve practical pharmaceutical problems in drug quality assurance Plans and evaluates the results of quality audits (self-inspections) of pharmaceutical production, contract manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials Analyzes and evaluates the conformity of the basic production processes and methods of drug control to the established requirements and the current level of development of pharmaceutical sciences Applies modern communication technologies in professional activities Maintains qualifications at modern level in the light of the achievements of scientific and technological progress
Scope of education “Quality Assurance of Medicines (Qualified Person)” Design, statistics and ethics of pharmaceutical research and drug lifecycle management Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacopoeia Analysis Pharmaceutical Technology and Packaging Pharmaceutical Development Leadership, Project and Innovation Management Good practices and industrial quality management systems Medical Physics, Physiology, Biochemistry Regulatory science General and clinical pharmacology Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Toxicology and preclinical development of drugs Pharmacovigilance Information Technology Practice Pharmacognosy Organizational and management practice Microbiology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology Research work
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