Digital accessibility for staff September 2019
Overview Digital accessibility regulations and rationale Making Word documents and PowerPoint presentations accessible Resources and information Try it for yourself
Over to you – first thoughts Menti quiz (1-3)
Public Sector Accessibility Regulations 2018 Apply to websites, online resources and apps. Make content and design clear and simple enough so that most people can use it without needing to adapt it, while supporting those who do need to adapt things, e.g. vision, hearing, deafness, cognitive or motor difficulties. Apply to universities. Enforced by Equality and Human Rights Commission. Different dates, depending on when site/app created. New websites must be compliant by 23 September 2019. Also need Accessibility Statement by then, with details of how our sites are accessible which parts are not accessible and why a process for users to request information in alternative formats a complaints process. This work is underway. In our Directorate, we want to model good accessible practice to others.
Over to you – digital accessibility What do you know how to do already? (Menti 4)
Accessible materials: basic principles Provide electronic versions in original format (not PDF). Use built-in styles, formatting and layouts. Provide alternatives: alt text/captions/transcript/colour/ meaningful hyperlinks. Plain English – simple, direct, concise.
Change these to plain English High-quality learning environments are a necessary precondition for facilitation and enhancement of the ongoing learning process. If there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars we shall be glad to furnish such additional details as may be required by telephone. Before High-quality learning environments are a necessary precondition for facilitation and enhancement of the ongoing learning process. After Children need good schools if they are to learn properly. If there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars we shall be glad to furnish such additional details as may be required by telephone. If you have any questions, please phone.
Use the Accessibility Checker in Office Review>Check Accessibility (or Tell me/Help). Finds issues and says why and how to fix them. Will not find everything! Different products, computers and versions of Office check Accessibility slightly differently. See Microsoft’s guidance for full details. Find this by following the links on the Inclusive Learning Digital Accessibility webpage (next slide). The Accessibility Checker will not find every issue. For example, it won’t pick up overly complex language, difficult fonts or font sizes or too much information on a slide.
Resources and information Digital Accessibility page Information about the regulations Accessible templates with built-in guidance (Word template/ PowerPoint template) AT tools guide etc. Links to Microsoft’s accessibility guides, covering different products, versions and computers. Add /training to access this PowerPoint and today’s resources:
Over to you – fix the Word document Read through the Word template (hard copies available). Open inaccessible ‘All about Hedgehogs’ document. Run the Accessibility Checker and fix some errors. List issues not found by the Checker and fix some if time. Group feedback. See improved Hedgehog document.
Over to you – fix the PowerPoint presentation Read through the PowerPoint template. Open and run inaccessible ‘Octopus Facts’ presentation. List issues not found by the Checker and think how you would fix. Run Accessibility Checker to see what comes up. Group feedback. See improved Octopus presentation.
Final thoughts and comments How confident are you now? (Menti 6) Any final comments or questions? What next? Thank you for coming!