Languages in Lambeth
Who we talked to and how Thanks to all the people who helped the review Online and paper survey Translated posters, surveys and website Going to community groups Our patient groups Messages on Twitter People Online and paper surveys Meetings with staff Emails, newsletters, going to GP practices GP Practices Online surveys Sending information Going to health promotion clinics and talking to staff Other Services Sending information and giving presentations Sending emails Sharing messages with other groups and organisations Other Groups
What we heard Patients and GP practice staff are happy with the service. Help for people using British Sign Language – BSL is not the same as other languages. Deaf people sometimes wait too long. It is different and not as good if you need help on the same day, or can’t wait, or can’t book. More people use telephone interpreters than other ways. People who use face to face interpreters say this is very good. People would try video interpreters, if the links and screens worked OK. Problems with telephone interpreters are because of bad sound and bad connections. Not all people know that they can have an interpreter at GP practices. GP practices where they see the same interpreter a lot or always know and trust their interpreter and want this service to continue.
What happens now? Interpreting and translation services stay the same. The same interpreters work with our GP practices. There will be telephone and face to face interpreters.
What happens next? We will think about what we heard. We will make small changes to make services better for Deaf people who use BSL. We will share the long report about the review. NHS staff will explain what new Interpreting and Translation services could look like. We will ask people what they think about new services.