REQUIREMENTS Mrs. Weible Math 7 Room 211
Online resource located at Overview The overall goals of this course are mastering the concepts of the PA Core Curriculum and improving problem solving and communication skills. We cover topics such as scale drawings, proportional relationships, measuring circles, percentages, rational numbers, expressions, equations, inequalities, geometry, probability and sampling, etc. Online resource located at
BINDERS You must have a math binder. Students will be expected to provide their own binder (1 or 1 ½ inches preferred). Binders are due by Friday, September 6th! All class handouts should be kept in your math binder. Binder checks may occur periodically.
WORKBOOKS You must keep a math notebook/ workbook. Students will be responsible for taking care of that math workbook all year. Workbooks will not be replaced (if lost or damaged) at the expense of the district! Students will be required to pay the replacement cost (approximately $25) for a new workbook. Workbooks will be graded (out of 20 points) each unit.
HOMEWORK Homework is given (almost) daily. All homework is graded (5 points each). A homework quiz may be given in lieu of grading the practice problems, but would still be worth 5 points. For full credit, all work must be shown. In addition, numerous homework misses may result in disciplinary action.
PROBLEM BASED LEARNING In a problem-based curriculum, students work on carefully crafted and sequenced mathematics problems during most of the instructional time. Teachers help students understand the problems and guide discussions.
TESTS/QUIZZES Tests will always be announced (100 points each), but quizzes may not be announced. Pre-Tests will be given before the unit to assess prior knowledge.
EXTRA CREDIT Bonus opportunities may be offered throughout the year including (but not limited to) unused Forgiveness Pass items, class reward for spelling out EAGLES, challenge problem bonus wall, etc.
GRADING Grading Scale 90 - 100 A 80 - 89 B 70 - 79 C 60 - 69 D 59 & below F
Please seek help if you are struggling! Math Tutoring Individual or small group tutoring is available every Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:00-4:00 in Room 211. Tutoring is also available through the Guidance Office. Please see Mrs. Marteeny for more information. Please seek help if you are struggling!
Absentee Policy If you miss class, it is your responsibility to get the notes, complete the assignment and study the material covered during your absence. Assignments and missed tests must be made up within 3 school days. Failure to do so may result in a zero score. In addition, you are expected to take tests the day they are given if you are in class, even if you miss the review.
Trips Out of the Room Students will only be allowed 3 trips out of the room per grading period. This includes requests to go to your locker, restroom, nurse, office, etc… At the beginning of each term, you will receive a Forgiveness Pass that you will use in conjunction with your planner. This pass must be presented to me for your request to be granted. Lost passes will not be reissued. Furthermore, the Forgiveness Pass may be turned in at the end of the term for 1 bonus point for each trip not used.
Calculators You will be allowed to use calculators during this course (unless stated otherwise). Students will sign out a scientific calculator. He or she will be responsible for taking care of that calculator all year and returning it at the end of the year. A lost or damaged calculator will be billed at replacement cost, just as a lost or damaged textbook is billed. The replacement cost for a scientific calculator is approximately $20.
Electronic Devices Classroom use of Personal Electronic Devices shall be at the discretion of the teacher (per SASD’s PED policy). Unless instructed otherwise all PEDs should be off and stored out of sight. The use of PEDs during class shall be deemed a privilege and not a right!
I Promise… I will work hard I will never give up I will do my best I will dream big I will stand tall I will succeed I will be strong
SOME DON’TS Don’t bring any food, drinks (clear water bottles ONLY), phones, games, or music players into the classroom. Don’t touch any classroom equipment or other materials without permission. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t forget to have fun
FINAL THOUGHT Have a great year!