Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion in WyoFolio
How am I notified about my case? Web browsers: Chrome, FireFox or Safari. DO NOT use Explorer
Logging in: Click on email OR WyoWeb Academic Affairs recommends using WyoWeb
Uploading my documents
Reviewing Materials
Reviewing Materials Log in to WyoFolio Select “Cases” on the left had navigation bar You will see a list of cases that are available to you Click the name of the candidate to view case materials
Accessing the materials Click read case
Document reader and annotations
Annotations are personal and private to you Annotations are personal and private to you. No one will have access to view your annotations. To use Annotations click the icon in the bottom right corner. It will bring up a digital post it. You can hide your annotations by clicking the eye or delete by clicking the trash can. You can view all your annotations or download your annotations by clicking on “Annotations”
Dossier This is private to the user, no one else has access. Click arrow next to name in upper right corner to access.
Resources Academic Affairs Website Interfolio Product Help - Click arrow next to name in upper right corner to access.
QUESTIONS? or 766-4287