Academic Misconduct Policy A guide for students; This policy applies to all students at the University, at all levels of study; The policy will be operated from Academic Year 2019/20
Where can I find the full guidance on Academic Misconduct This is available on the University web site University Regulations academic misconduct policy You should read this policy before you submit any work for assessment this year, and refresh your understanding before the start of each year that you study with us.
What does the University include in its definition of academic misconduct? Misconduct in an Examination or In Class Test Plagiarism Collusion Falsification Self-Plagiarism/Recycling Breaching Ethical Standards Bribery Submitting Fraudulent Mitigating Circumstances More information can be found in the full Academic Misconduct Policy
Poor Academic Practice Sometimes a tutor will note that your work clearly contains evidence of poor academic practice. This differs from academic misconduct. Examples of poor academic practice include attribution of authorship but using the incorrect style. Very limited use of paraphrasing. because the author of the work is fully attributed, but not in the correct style. Poor academic practice if not addressed can lead into academic misconduct and tutors will want to discuss your poor academic practice so that you avoid this in future assessments.
All other levels of study: For a first case of academic misconduct or repeated misconduct at Levels F or C. Stage 1 students will be required to meet with a Faculty Senior Academic Advisor and the Internal Examiner who suspected academic misconduct; You will be offered the opportunity to discuss the matter; if a conclusion can be reached at this stage the FSAA will make a recommendation to the Examination Board; you will be written advising you of the recommendation and the penalty where appropriate.
Where the FSAA cannot reach a recommendation Stage 2: The case is referred to an Academic Misconduct Panel; You will be able to meet with the Panel to discuss your case; At the end of the meeting the Panel will make a recommendation; The Chair of the Panel will notify you the outcome in due course.
Penalties First Case LEVELs F and C First Case ALL OTHER LEVELs For a first case of misconduct you will be able to represent your work for a capped Grade E. The misconduct will not be visible in your grade outcome for the block but a note will be kept in the system. Plagiarism is deemed to be minor – the work may be represented for a capped Grade E, resubmission is allowed; Plagiarism is deemed to be major – the work will be awarded a 0PL outcome, resubmission is allowed as appropriate. The Academic Misconduct Panel/FSAA may recommend another outcome.
What if this is a repeated case of misconduct? For a student before the end of Level C, the outcome is as for an initial case of major plagiarism at all other levels; For all other students you will be awarded a Subject Block/ Module aggregate of 0. The Academic Misconduct Panel/FSAA may recommend another outcome.
For a second repeated case of misconduct The normal penalty is a termination of studies. The Academic Misconduct Panel/FSAA may recommend another outcome.
Level F and C students For a first case of academic misconduct students will be required to meet with their academic subjects to identify support and guidance needed to address the issue You will be offered the opportunity to represent your work, the grade will be capped at E.
Appealing an academic misconduct judgement Students may appeal against the academic misconduct judgement after their results are published at the next Academic Progression and Award Board. The procedure for appeal can be found on our web pages here