Title of the abstract (one or two lines) PhD Forum @ SoftCOM 2019 Split, Croatia Title of the abstract (one or two lines) Student: <Name_surname> <Affiliation>, <country> <E-mail_address> Advisor(s):<Advisor1_name_surname>, <Advisor2_name_surname> September 20th, 2019
PhD Forum @ SoftCOM 2019 Split, Croatia Slide 1 title Purpose of the presentation: a brief outline of a doctoral student’s research work Presentation should consist of maximum 4 slides The first slide provides basic information on the presenter The remaining three slides can be structured according to one’s needs/preferences (e.g., motivation, problem description and research methodology/results)
PhD Forum @ SoftCOM 2019 Split, Croatia Slide 2 title Please be aware that each pitch talk presentation is strictly time- limited and lasts for maximum of 2 minutes Please take the following into account: If a presenter exceeds the 2 minutes limit, no additional time will be granted and the PhD Forum session chair will end her/his presentation momentarily
PhD Forum @ SoftCOM 2019 Split, Croatia Slide 3 title As soon as one presentation ends, the next one will start There will be no time for questions and/or discussion at that time There will be an opportunity to further elaborate on one’s research in the poster session after the pitch talk presentations