Miss Whistance Miss Tancock Welcome Reception Team Miss Whistance Miss Tancock S.Tancock 2019
Aims To briefly share the Areas of Learning in EYFS. To explain how we teach phonics. To share guidance for supporting reading, maths and writing. S.Tancock 2019
EYFS Areas of Learning S.Tancock 2019
S.Tancock 2019
Phonics Phonics is learning to break a code. Linking sounds with the letters that represent them. S.Tancock 2019
To read... Children need to look at the letters and say the separate sounds in order (sound out). Then they need to blend them together to say the whole word (push the sounds together). cat sheep S.Tancock 2019
To spell... Children need to be able to say the sounds in the word they wish to spell. Then they need to recall the letters that make the sounds. dog coach S.Tancock 2019
This link is in your phonics letter. How to say the sounds Saying the sounds correctly with your child is extremely important. The way we say sounds may well be different from when you were at school. We say the shortest form of the sounds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwJx1NSineE This link is in your phonics letter. S.Tancock 2019
Supporting Phonics Play the games mentioned in the weekly letters. Little and often is more effective (5 minutes daily) than a longer session once a week. Focus on the new sounds (there will be approximately 4 per week) but recap quickly on the others too. Play games with the tricky words so your child can begin to recognise them by sight. Make it fun. S.Tancock 2019
Supporting Reading Your child will start to bring books home next week and we will read with them once a week. They can change their books as often as they need to. Please remind them to do this. They will be wordless books to begin with. Record any reading in your child's reading record. Keep the reading record and book in your child's bag so it is available every day. There are tips for supporting and engaging your child with reading in the reading record and in the information pack. You could start by being a Mystery Reader in your child's class! S.Tancock 2019
Supporting Maths Play counting games. Look for and talk about numbers in the environment. Sort objects and talk about how they are sorted. Go shopping with coins and notes. Talk about time including the order of the day. Measuring activities (link to real-life). Go on a shape hunt. S.Tancock 2019
Supporting Writing Talking is vital for writing development. Encourage any kind of mark making to develop gross and fine motor control. Your child can make marks on paper with pencils, pens, paint and crayons. They can draw in glitter, sand, mud, paint or flour with their fingers, paint brushes, sticks etc. S.Tancock 2019
Supporting Writing Your child's writing will develop through different stages as shown below. S.Tancock 2019
Supporting Handwriting Encourage your child to practice writing letters with the cursive formation. Their name is the perfect word to start with. All lowercase letters start from the bottom on the line. The aim is to keep the pencil on the page from the start to the finish when writing a letter and not add on the lead in lines after. S.Tancock 2019
Parent voice is a crucial part of our assessment. Tapestry is the ideal tool for you to use for this. Please make sure you have activated your account. Share any experiences you think we would like to know about. For example, doing something for the first time (riding a bike), sharing a day out, building or making something, completing a home learning challenge, baking etc. The children enjoy sharing these with their class. S.Tancock 2019
Thank you for coming. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to ask us any questions. S.Tancock 2019