Our Long Term Plan Emily Beardshall – Deputy ICS Programme Director


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Presentation transcript:

Our Long Term Plan - 2025 Emily Beardshall – Deputy ICS Programme Director Roger McDermott – Senior ICS Programme Manager 16th August

Agenda Welcome to 2025 (10 minutes) Discussion and feedback (40 minutes)

Discussion (to be held after presentation) Each round: 10 mins at table, 10 mins as group [Each table to write notes we can collect] Round 1: Gloucestershire ICS What would a great ICS look like in 2025? What will be the impacts - on public, patients, communities, organisation(s), governance, leadership, PPG, ways of working, policies, staff, technology, estates? Round 2: PPGs What will the PPGs be concerned about in 2025? What will the relationship be between the PPGs and the PCNs? How will the PPG Network influence the ICS? What do PPGs need to do now to be ready for 2025? What one thing from this discussion will you take back to your practice?

Long Term Plan & Approaches To Care Themes Approaches Sickness to promoting health health behaviours targeted screening Social inequalities Integrated & person centred care Primary Care Network community care/ social prescribing Personalised care planning Parity of esteem for mental health Genetic testing Self managed & community based care Enhanced/digital support for: Building capabilities Providing information Diagnostics & treatment support Remote consultations

Long Term Plan & Technology Trends Themes Approaches NHS App + Apps library Access to medical records Connected devices/disease based apps Empowering people/ patients & care delivery Clinical diagnostics and Decision support AI supported diagnostics Enhanced decision support Supporting Health Care Practitioners Shared medical records Integrated systems Right information, right time, right place

How might 2025 be different If it was 2040 we might assume self-driving cars, sophisticated Artificial Intelligence, a single NHS app that acted as a portal to other programmes and evidence-based, genomics prevention advice. But for 2025 we have made the following positive assumptions … Prevention: There is an objective to empower people to take responsibility for their own health rather than depend on the NHS. There are incentives to encourage this. ICS does more to support lifestyle behaviours and the wider determinants of health There is more and targeted marketing to encourage healthy lifestyles and to signpost people to NHS webpages and the NHS App that will help diagnose symptoms (rather than finding information from bloggers and calling 111)

How might 2025 be different Workforce: There may be a shortage of GPs and nurses but an aim to reduce demand on the workforce Resources have shifted more to locality and primary care Care can be delivered by specialist, generalist and less skilled staff and closer to home Appointments can be delivered via web chat Lower skilled staff use remote technology to reduce GP visits There are Social Prescribing Link Workers and Community Support Volunteers

How might 2025 be different Model of care: ICS and strategic partners work together well, providing joined-up care Care Plans are built around individuals, families, communities and their networks Person-centred care, for example, if have multiple morbidities attend a “solution clinic / one stop shop” Personalised care has seen the public empowered to manage their care in partnership with professionals Care can be delivered remotely via phone, internet Equity of health care service across Gloucestershire

How might 2025 be different Technology: Most (but not all) of the population are digitally savvy and many want a digital-first approach Home monitoring and sensing equipment is more common The Apps prescribed by the NHS are evidence-based and specific, e.g. a Diabetes App, but there is not one master App Artificial Intelligence has proven to be better and faster than clinicians for imaging, prediction and diagnosis So far, genomics has delivered most benefit and saved money in tailoring medicine to individuals rather than in the development of “wellbeing and prevention plans”

Discussion Each round: 10 mins at table, 10 mins as group [Each table to write notes we can collect] Round 1: Gloucestershire ICS What would a great ICS look like in 2025? What will be the impacts - on public, patients, communities, organisation(s), governance, leadership, PPG, ways of working, policies, staff, technology, estates? Round 2: PPGs What will the PPGs be concerned about in 2025? What will the relationship be between the PPGs and the PCNs? How will the PPG Network influence the ICS? What do PPGs need to do now to be ready for 2025? What one thing from this discussion will you take back to your practice?