Français 2, 20 Mai 2019 Dix minutes, Duolingo.


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Presentation transcript:

Français 2, 20 Mai 2019 Dix minutes, Duolingo. What do frogs like with their hamburgers? Toucher – to touch. Non, mais ne touche pas à la porte. No, but don’t touch the door. Goals – Learn to give reasons and excuses: also congratulating and reprimaning. Les Devoirs – A la page 144, faites le 31. French flies.

Français 2, 21 mai 2019 Dix minutes, Duolingo. What is the owl’s favorite subject? Pourquoi – why. Pourquoi es-tu si content? Why are you so happy? Goals – Continue work on giving reasons, making excuses, congratulating, and reprimanding Les Devoirs – A la page 144, faites le 33. Owlgebre

Français 2, 22 mai 2019 Dix minutes, Duolingo. What is a frog’s favorite drink? Être rangeé(e) – to be tidy; to be neat. La maison est bien rangée. The house is tidy. Goals – Work on writing and listening for quiz 5-3. Les Devoirs – Complete handout for quiz 5-3. Croak a cola!

Français 2, 23 mai 2019 Cinq minutes étudier à l’interro 5-3. What do you call a stick that won’t do anything you want? Affamé(e) – starving. En plus, je suis affamé. And I’m starving, too. Goals – Complete ant correct l’interro 5-3. Les Devoirs – A la page 154, #1,2. A stick in the muc,

Français 2, 24 mai 2019 Dix minutes, Duolingo. When do you ask hamburges a lot of questions? Il faut – it is necessary; one must. Il ne faut pas travailler aujourd’hui! We don’t have to work today! Goals – Watch Mic Macs! Discuss and clarify what is happening and who is involved. Les Devoirs – Pas! When you grill them.