Western powers rule southeast Asia Chapter 11 Section 5
Why do we care? Main idea: Why it matters now: Demand for Asian products drove Western imperialists to seek possession of Southeast Asian lands. Why it matters now: Southeast Asian independence struggles in the 20th century have their roots in this period of imperialism.
The Pacific Rim
French Indochina Vietnamese Governor, Phan Thanh Gian “Now, the French are come, with their powerful weapons of war to cause dissension among us. We are weak against them; our commanders and our soldiers have been vanquished. Each battle adds to our misery…The French have immense warships, filled with soldiers and armed with huge cannons. No one can resist them. They go where they want, the strongest ramparts fall before them.” French Indochina Vietnamese Governor, Phan Thanh Gian .
Impact of Colonialism Positive Negative Economies grew Cash crops Tin Rubber Roads, railroads, and harbors improved communication and transportation Improvements in education, health and sanitation Political changes unified areas at the cost of weaker local leaders and gov’ts. Mass migration from other Asian countries to work on plantations and in mines Led to racial and religious clashes
Siam Independence Present-day Thailand Between British Burma and French Indochina. King Mongkut and his son Chulalongkorn modernized Siam to strengthen the country against Imperial powers. Started schools Reformed legal system Reorganized the gov’t. Built railroads, telegraph systems Ended slavery
“The White Man’s Burden” Section 4: Poem Response Assignment
Rudyard Kipling English writer and poet. Born and raised in Mumbai, India. Wrote: The Jungle Book
“The White Man’s Burden”
H. T. Johnson African-American clergyman “Black Man’s Burden Association” -Goal of demonstrating that mistreatment of “brown people” in the Philippines was an extension of the mistreatment of black Americans at home.
“The Black Man’s Burden”
C.E.D. Phelps “Charles Edward Davis” American writer: Echoes from the Mountain The Bailiff of Tawkesbury
“The Burden of Profit”
Agenda Today Tomorrow Geography quiz Finish section 5 Video Lecture notes Section 4 assignment questions Quiz retakes Japan! Friday: Review Monday: Exam/DBQ
The Pacific Islands
U.S. Acquires Pacific Islands Spanish-American War 1898 U.S. won the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Guam. President McKinley wanted to turn the Philippines into a colony. Emilio Aguinaldo claimed the U.S. promised independence after the war. U.S. defeated nationalists in 1902, but promised to prepare them for self rule.
Hawaii Important port on the way to China and East India. American sugar plantations accounted for 75% of Hawaii’s wealth, American planters gained great political power. U.S. business leaders pushed for the annexation of Hawaii
Hawaii In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani called for a new constitution to increase her power, and restore power to native Hawaiians. American planters overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy in 1894. They reclaimed it the Republic of Hawaii and requested the island nation be annexed to the U.S.