Jo Pettifor – Category Manager (Strategy & People) Nottingham City Council Residential and Nursing Care Contracting & Procurement Jo Pettifor – Category Manager (Strategy & People)
NCC Strategic Commissioning Review Information on the NCC Strategic Review available on the NCC ‘AskLion’ website - and Due North E tendering portal New contract required for April 2020 Joint contract for City Council and CCG – initially for 5 years Accreditation process to establish a list of approved providers All County homes wanting placements of City citizens will need to apply Key requirements in the service specification remain Quality assurance process as for current contract
Accreditation process Open Application Process - anticipated to start September 2019. The Application form will be as simple as possible for providers to complete. Many questions will be Yes / No answers Areas include: - Details of the organisation including current provision - Care Quality Commission registration - Health & Safety - Policies & Procedures - Safeguarding Vulnerable People - Business continuity plan - Equality & Diversity
Accreditation process The process will be managed through the Due North (ProContract) Electronic Procurement portal - Registration at Providers will need to download the documents from the portal and follow the instructions carefully During the application period all questions must be through the Due North portal. Applications will be assessed according to the stated criteria. Take care when completing questions as some are “eliminate” questions Completed applications to be returned through Due North by the stated deadline
Accreditation process The Accreditation will be open for applications for duration of the contract and providers can join at any time If successful, a contract will be issued If unsuccessful, feedback will be provided on request Opportunity to reapply if unsuccessful in the first instance -provided the reason for elimination has been rectified There will be no guarantee of business under the contract Citizen choice There will be NO contracting outside of the accredited list of providers
Accreditation process - CHC As with the previous accreditation there will be an option to apply for Continuing Healthcare (CHC) You will be asked if you are currently providing CHC via any contracts You will be asked to explain in 500 words how you will meet the requirements of the CHC spec. It is important that you answer this thoroughly as unacceptable answers will be returned via the Procurement Team.
Accreditation Process – CHC If you wish to take placements from any of the Nottinghamshire CCGs for CHC you MUST have a contract in place with Nottingham City Council No placements will be made outside of the Accredited list of Providers