To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary 2
Entrusted- v. given over to another for care or protection
Adjacent- adj. next to
Perplexity- n. the condition of being puzzled
Ingenuous- adj. without sophistication; innocent
Fanatical- adj. possessed or driven by excessive zeal
Isolate- v. to separate from the group; set apart
Debating- v. deliberating; considering
Acquainted- v. made familiar with
Tyranny- n. extreme harshness or severity; rigor
Unanimous- adj. in complete agreement
Evasion- n. act of avoiding
Chameleon- n. like a lizard known for changing colors to match its surroundings; changeable person
Malignant- adj. actively evil in nature
Contemporaries- n. of the same time or era; about the same age
Inconspicuous- adj. not readily noticeable
Peril- n. danger
Inaudible- adj. Unable to be heard
Cantankerous- adj. contrary; disagreeable; quarrelsome