GCSEs are like Elephants… They are big The come at you faster than you would think If you don’t prepare for their arrival you could get in a mess When you are close up to them, everyone will be talking about them…
One bite at a time… Please be aware Calthorpe Park School does not condone or encourage the actual eating of elephants. This metaphor is purely for illustrative purposes. Be assured, no Elephants were harmed in the making of this presentation Should you feel the need, you can substitute ‘elephant’ for 2 tonne turnip or similar preferred vegetable
Revising right is a bit like eating an elephant.. THE SINGLE BIGGEST IMPACT YOU CAN HAVE IS STARTING EARLY AND REVISING IN SMALL CHUNKS Effective revision always has an element of self testing The focus is on the output, not the input
What is not effective Cramming – least effective of all... Highlighting/re-reading (one focus/auto-pilot) Summarising – unless it is to then self test
Balanced and Varied diet
Made to the right recipe
Prepared by experts…
Use suitable revision materials Summarise the Subject Knowledge The best revision starts early and is done in chunks – By doing this you are making some of the most significant affects you can have on making your revision really effective. What? How? Why? Use suitable revision materials Revision Guide pages Moodle subject pages Text books Exercise Books Suitable web pages e.g. Bitesize You should work from materials that are geared towards your examination and the correct examination board! If you put ‘Atoms’ into a search engine you will not always get pages that help you understand ‘Atoms’ for your GCSE. Check with a teacher if you are not sure Summarise the Subject Knowledge Use the skills you have learnt in your study skills sessions, for example: Bullet points Mind Maps Flash Cards This makes you read it and think about it. This process gives you something to learn which is important for the next two steps where the real revision happens… It is important to test whether you are using a revision technique which is most effective for you. Not everyone learns in the same way! Self-Testing Simple! Read your summary Memorise it Turn it over Test what you remember You may want to do this with somebody else… Research shows this has a huge impact on how effective your revision is. The more you self-test the more you remember, keep going back to old summaries and doing this! Output Complete an activity that is the same or similar to your examination: Past Paper question Exam style question from internet, revision guide or workbook Why would you not spend lots of time practising the thing you will have to do! Sportsmen have practice matches and events and actors have dress rehearsals. Preparing for exams is the same. Research proves that focussing on your output (questions and tests) rather than input (reading) has a really positive effect on revision. DWT Website: Information/ Exams Information/ Mock Exams EdulinkOne: personalised timetables (Left hand menu) Y11 revision toolkit on the VLE Increasing Importance DWT
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Rationale To ensure a serious approach, preparation and commitment to their mock exams To communicate the support being offered clearly with students and parents. Appropriate programme of support sessions (assemblies, interventions & exam boosters) SLN
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Support Activities Recommended ‘Revision Guide’ list Suitable websites and Apps signposted Parents’ Information Evening Value to student success Clear and coherent message for ALL stakeholders involved in the process. SLN
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Support Activities 4. Assembly to launch the programme Monday 14th October 5. Second assembly to look at how to approach exams to take place on Monday 21st October Value to student success Guidance on revising in a planned manner and starting early Empowering students to tackle the mock exams more effectively and Help develop better skills with attempting questions. Understanding of how to utilise teachers’ feedback to benefit future examinations SLN
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Support Activities 6. Revision toolkit within Moodle 7. In class revision two weeks before the mock examinations Value to student success Time and resources signposted to students Awareness of how to reflect on their learning for GCSE courses Revision of specific material from up to 2 years ago. SLN
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Support Activities 9. Student Revision Booklet 10. Subject specific support sessions Value to student success Teacher led revision/subject support – including ‘Top Tips’ for exams Discussions will enable peer support to encourage individuals with their personalised learning. SLN
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Week 1 (starting Monday 21st October) DAY LUNCH SESSION 1 (3:05 to 3:45) SESSION 2 (3:50 to 4:30) MONDAY Modern Foreign Languages History PE/Food and Nutrition/Photography TUESDAY Computing/Business/ Psychology Science - Biology WEDNESDAY Art/Music/iMedia/ Drama Maths THURSDAY English Geography/Technology FRIDAY Science – Subject TBC No Intervention Week 2 (starting Monday 4th November) DAY LUNCH SESSION 1 (3:05 to 3:45) SESSION 2 (3:50 to 4:30) MONDAY Modern Foreign Languages PE /Food and Nutrition/Art History TUESDAY Science - Chemistry Computing/Business/ Psychology WEDNESDAY Maths Music/iMedia/ Drama/Photography THURSDAY Geography /Technology English FRIDAY Science - Physics No Intervention SLN
Calthorpe Park Extra - Mock Support Support Activities 11. Pre exam booster (top tips) sessions Value to student success Subject specialist teachers deliver a short last minute guide to students. Improves student focus prior to the exam. SLN
…GCSEs are like Elephants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grj0ffXzTFA