Red Male Organ From Hives: What to Do


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Presentation transcript:

Red Male Organ From Hives: What to Do

When a man has a robust, healthy tumescence, all that blood rushing to his organ frequently results in a red male organ (if the man is fair- skinned) or in a reddish one if his skin is darker. And in such cases, that red male organ is an indicator of good male organ health. But often, a man will sport a red male organ that has attained that coloration due to other reasons. For example, if a man has hives on his member, it will be at least partially red. And if he is indeed afflicted with hives on his manhood, what should he do about it?

Understanding hives First, a guy needs to know what hives are. Most people have heard of hives, but they don’t necessarily know much about them, so here are a few facts: Hives – also known as urticaria – is a fairly common medical condition and, thankfully, one that is not generally serious. When a person has hives, he will have welts of varying sizes (some of which can be quite large) that appear on his body. In some cases, the welts will be very small and raised, so that they look more like red bumps. In other instances, they will be much larger (sometimes several inches in diameter), still red but perhaps a paler shade, and paler still sometimes in the middle. The larger welts are also often raised. Many times, several welts will “melt” together to create a much larger-looking welt.

Individual hives tend to be short-lived, with many staying around for 24 hours or less. Unfortunately, a hive that goes away is often replaced by a hive that appears in the same place or nearby. If a person’s hives are acute, then they will go away altogether within 6 weeks; those that last longer than 6 weeks are considered chronic. Hives are unattractive, especially on the member and surrounding areas, but they don’t generally cause a great deal of pain. Sometimes a person has hives that sting or that are tender to the touch; more often, the issue with hives is that they can be very itchy.

Why do hives happen? So a guy wakes up with a red male organ due to hives. The question is: Why? What causes hives? Probably the most common reason for hives is an allergic reaction. For example, if a person eats something that they are allergic to, the body may release something called histamines, which cause capillaries to break, which causes the welts to form. Hives can result from an allergic reaction to numerous things, including food, insect bites, plants, medicines, animals, and so on. In some cases, hives result not from an allergic reaction but from such causes as an infection, stress, too much exposure to the sun, or too much or prolonged pressure applied to the skin.

If a guy has hives, how should he treat them? First he should consult with a doctor, who will try to determine the cause of the hives. Frequently, hives will respond well to use of antihistamines, and so the doctor may prescribe those as a first step. Corticosteroids are also sometimes used. If an infection is present, doctors may recommend antibiotics. For people with chronic hives, other treatments may be necessary.

When hives cause a red male organ, there may be additional irritation to the manhood skin, so using a top-notch male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is advised. Delicate male member skin will appreciate an oil that contains both a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). The skin will further be strengthened by an oil with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps fight oxidative stress damage.Man 1 Man Oil