2020 Dakota County Fee Schedules Effective on January 1, 2020 (some Parks fees effective late 2019). 3% increase over 2019, with some exceptions. Exceptions are noted. Exceptions for not setting fee at actual cost: Fee established by law or rule. Difficult to determine actual cost of service for fee.
Highlights of New Fees for 2020 Parks Lake Byllesby Campground Pull Through Water/Electric Site $33.00 Electric Site $28.00 Elimination of tent site fee – will be charged the electric site rate Special Park/Trail Use Permits Damage & Security Deposit (500+) $300.00 Community Corrections Juvenile Services Center Out-of-County Mental Health Per Diem $14.00 NEW FEES IN THE SCHEDULE New camping sites at Lake Byllesby campground. No longer any sites without electricity Use permits require a security deposit. This adds another level of fee for over 500 Visitors. Under 500 visitors the deposit is $150 The Juvenile Service Center provides mental health therapy. There is a rise in mental health therapy needs for youth and the current budget cannot sustain the amount of services being provided. A new per diem fee for out of county youth will offset the costs of ongoing therapy. This cost is currently county funded.
Highlights of New Fees for 2020 Environmental Resources Well & Water Supply Management Department Variance Fee $280.00 Public Services & Revenue Professional Licenses Farm Winery License $275.00 (annual) A new fee is proposed to those who request a variance to the standards within Ordinance 114, Well and Water Supply Management. There are similar fees for other ordinances, but until recently we had not had any requests for variances to 114. This is to fix that oversight. PS&R - Dakota County issues liquor licenses to establishments outside the city limits. An individual located in Douglas Township is in need of the Farm Winery License since he is growing grapes, making wine, and having it bottled for consumption.
Highlights of Existing Fees for 2020* Transportation FEES WITH INCREASES OVER 5% Based on increased cost of service provided * Existing fees with changes greater than 5%
Highlights of Existing Fees for 2020* Environmental Resources Based on cost of contract with vendors to dispose of waste * Existing fees with changes greater than 5%
Highlights of Existing Fees for 2020* Environmental Resources Hazardous waste generator fees Eliminates a special fee only to Flint Hills and increases the very large waste producers fee. The changes are revenue neutral and impact two generators. It will also incentivize for less waste production at Flint Hills * Existing fees with changes greater than 5%
Highlights of Existing Fees for 2020* Parks Parks fee increases based on market rates. These are highlighted increases over 5% * Existing fees with changes greater than 5%
Highlights of Existing Fees for 2020* Parks * Existing fees with changes greater than 5%
What is next? Public hearing on October 29, 2019 County Board adoption following the public hearing Adopted fees incorporated into the County Manager’s recommended 2020 budget
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