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Presentation transcript:


POPULATION EXPLOSION IN THE WORLD AND IN INDIA AND ARISING CONCERNS INTRODUCTION Human population is important to develop the economy and society. The economic and technological development of a country very much depend on the quality of human resources. Since human beings are the producers and consumers of the Earth resources. Thomas Malthus an 18 th century British cleric and scholar, believed that human population growth would always outstrip humanity ability to feed itself. His ideas referred to as Malthusianism have heavily influenced the field of biology and environmentalism.

THE CAUSES OF POPULATION EXPLOSION Increase in food production and distribution due to advancement in technology, Improvement in public health (water and sanitation). Advancement in medical technology (vaccines and antibiotics) which could cure many diseases which resulted in large number of deaths. Progress in education Improvement in standards of living within many developing nations

IMPACTS OF POPULATION EXPLOSION Pollution - increase in cars and emission of greenhouse gases into atmosphere. Deforestation - to build houses and increases food production for increasing population. Freshwater availability – increase in waste production and contamination of water. Natural resources – increase burning of fossil fuels, excessive use of coal and petroleum. Global Warming – overall increase in temperature and chance of natural disasters. Habitat loss – change in ecosystem affecting biodiversity.

REASONS FOR INCREASE IN POPULATION POVERTY One of the most important reasons for this population increase in India is poverty. People who have to struggle they produce more children because more children mean more earning hands. Due to increase in population the problems of scarce resources ,jobs, and poverty increase. As the poverty and the population both increase the development of the country and the society becomes more and more retarded.

India culture runs very deep and far back in history. RELIGIOUS BELIEFS,TRADITIONS AND CULTURAL NORMS Girl child married at a very early age which means more births of children throughout her lifespan. India culture runs very deep and far back in history. Due to increased population the educational facilities are very scarce. Superstitions and religious beliefs run rampant in the society. Lot of families have more children than they actually want or can afford.

EFFECTS OF POPULATION EXPLOSION Food Resources : Population pressure on the finite resources in the country has resulted in a shortage of almost all the basic needs of life. Population explosion results in the shortage of even the most basic resources like food. Malnourishment and starvation are a major problem in the country which is directly an outcome of population explosion. Unemployment and Illiteracy India being a developing country has a limited numbers of jobs available. Due to increasing number of people the competition for the most menial jobs with meagre payments. Such unemployment and underemployment leads to corruption exploitation of people by the richer classes of the society.

Contd.. 4) Also brain drain becomes a major issues in India due to lack of domestic employment opportunities. Air and water pollution Number of factories and industrial units that leds to air and water pollution. More energy needs to be produced to power these factories. The world major source of energy are burnt,gases are added to the atmosphere and waste are dumped in the water sources. Many cities in India have crossed the limits of suspended particulate matter, sulphur dioxide,and other pollutants due to vehicular and industrial emissions.

POPULATION DENSITY Physical factors High density Low Density Landforms or relief (shape and height of land) Low land which is flat eg Ganga river valley in India Mountainous areas eg Himalayas NATURAL RESOURCES Area rich in resources eg coal,oil, wood,fish etc.has dense population eg Western Europe Areas with few resources tend to be sparsely populated eg Rajasthan. CLIMATE Areas with temperate climates tend to be densely populated as there is enough rain and heat to grow crops eg France. Areas with extreme climates of hot and cold tend to be sparsely populated eg. The sahara desert, Siberia.

POPULATION DENSITY HUMAN FACTORS HIGH DENSITY LOW DENSITY POLITICAL Countries with stable governments support a high population density eg Singapore or most part of China. Unstable countries tend to have lower population densities as people migrate eg Afghanistan. SOCIAL Groups of people want to live close to each other for security eg USA. Other groups of people prefer to be isolated eg Scandinavians ECONOMIC Good job opportunities encourage high population densities,particularly in large cities in developing countries around the world. Limited job opportunities cause some areas to be sparsely populated eg Amazon Rainforest.

World Map

Density Areas Thinly Populated Areas Tropical Deserts There is no rainfall or rainfall is scanty. Crops cannot be grown except river valley Scarcity of drinking water. Sahara of North Africa, California and Arizona,Kalhari of South Africa,Austrialian Desert,Saudi Arabian Desert. b) Cold desert Very low temperature over most of the part of the year. Man cannot live comfortably as agriculture and other human activities are not possible. Nort Canada,Alaska,Greenland,North Russia.

Tropical desert forest

Cold desert

contd c) Hot and Humid Climate Thinly populated due to very high temperature and high rainfall throughout the year. Climate is unhygienic Forest are very thick Transport facilities are not available. Amazon basin of south America,Congo basin,New Guinea. d) Mountain and high altitude plateaus Thinly populated because of steep slopes Thick forest and higher altitude are having snow cover Transportation and communication not developed Poor soil Rocky mountains, Andes,Tibet,Himalayas

High Altitude Areas

Moderately populated Areas (10 to 200 persons per sqkm) These types of areas found mostly around the areas of high density of population in Asia,Europe,Eastern of U.S.A. Dependence on seasonal agriculture and livestock activities. Its support a small number of people. Western USA in this region due to very big agriculture the density of population is moderate. Northern Scotland,Poland, Southern part of Scandivian country,the industrial progress is very little. In India there is a large area with moderate density of population between 10-150 person per sq km The moderate density of population here is due to people depending only on seasonal agriculture.

The densely populated areas (more than 200 person per sq km) Climatic conditions are favourable for high production of foodstuffs. Commercial activities are developed Vast plains Rich in mineral wealth particularly Iron ore and coal its developed industrial growth. Cool temperature,energetic and healthy climate. Transport is well developed in this region Region is most connected to other countries and cities ( air and sea transport) People in this region enjoy very high standard of living where 80-90 % of the population is engaged in secondary and tertiary activities. More than 80% population lives in cities. Mumbai,Shanghai Tokiyo,Newyork.