What makes you feel good What makes you feel good? Building Health Partnerships Partnership one summary #BHPselfcare
What makes people feel good? Fresh Air Saying thank you/praise/feedback Support through human connection Travel, holidays - changing the pattern of life Exercise/physical activity - new skills, being part of a group, challenge, dog walking Communication with others Having a purpose and something to do Sense of Belonging to Community - feeling valued Other social groups - clubs Opportunities Coke (or Cake) Persistence is important The right place at the right time for you (could be countryside, could be city) Helping Others Healthy eating Self-worth (feeling valued / of use) Local leisure centres (and access to them) Having control over your health Empowerment (Quality time, less structured, less pressured) Being creative - calling and energising Friendship, having friends, spending time with family and friends Helping the next generation keep fit & modelling behaviours Able to do what's important to you - freedom, making choices Local Links Local inspirational person to make a difference Libraries and community groups Support/advice from other people Being able to use the skills/ experience I have Success, achievement, recognition Laughing Learning something The right environment @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare
What worries people about self-care locally? Loneliness, isolation --- drug abuse, depression Worklife balance / expectations on self Lack of purpose Commitments & young children - finding the time or energy Low self-esteem Lack of confidence to try new things Incorrect medication People who are retired having no work (upside-down bad work-life balance) Self imposed stumbling blocks (I can't do that) - lack of confidence Isolation Full time caring position Lack of access / poor transport Grief and loss causing ill health Fear - risk aversion (esp to interacting with others) Laziness? State will provide Lack of awareness of what is out there - no signposting People who don't have any of the elements - who are starting from scratch Lack of digital literacy Ill health within the family Poor transport - access to facilities Lack of time / capacity Lack of volunteers Lack of structure / goals Directory of tutors, coaches, activities already happening? Existing groups tend to be in larger areas... Lack of support in villages.... Poor nutrition/takeaways @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare
Shared understanding of local priorities Develop a collective and collaborative approach to problem-solving in health and care, involving the voluntary sector, creative industries, individuals, communities and community leaders. Find ways of connecting people and places, in ways that support people to feel good and stay well Share learning across the STP footprint Build on what is already going on “As a partnership, we have aspirations to change our local health and care system to put people at the centre, to give individuals more control over their own health and encourage greater self-reliance and better health-promoting behaviours. This will require both changing the system and also changing public attitudes and behaviours, so that local people are able and willing to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and have a clear understanding of where and how to access support when they need it.” – from Our Health in Our Hands: An exploratory project about citizens taking control of our own health and finding out what needs to change in order to achieve it. Supported by the Building Health Partnerships initiative @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare
4 possible areas for joint action VOLUNTEER GROUPS Reduce barriers / simplify setting them up Interacting local community Build community asset Shed Events/Shed Jamboree - open shed week Actions: Local Men in Sheds Network Shed Jamboree Share knowledge resources Open shed week DIGITAL PLATFORMS Develop a portal/hub Common purpose about who is going to access it Whoever has got the social prescribing contracts across the area should lead Actions: Test – a group chat on social media Swanland Village Hall Group Social prescribing contact lead to lead @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare
4 possible areas for joint action FUNDING Collaboration between VCS & health sector from the outset Continuation funding where something works (recognising long- term benefits) Recognition of savings where investment pays off Talking to wider voluntary sector across the patch Actions: To be developed COMMUNICATIONS & CONNECTIONS Create a physical / virtual hub (information hub) Everyone knows what is happening Spread awareness of what exists Actions: Create a hub – telephone, online, office rep Create engagement groups @SocialEnt_UK @IVAR_UK #BHPselfcare