Mathematics Workshop Thursday 17th October 2019
Early Learning Goal - Number Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing
‘Count reliably with numbers from 1-20’ Count forwards Count backwards Count from and to a given number Count objects 1-1 Count irregular arrangements accurately
It is not as easy as it sounds! Do.. Re.. Mi.. Fa.. So.. La.. Ti.. Do–.. So--.. Do..
How can I help at home? Count EVERYTHING! Count backwards when brushing teeth, racing to get ready, to pack items away ‘Rocket Counting’ backwards Travelling in the car ask them to start at a number and stop at another number Counting circle game ‘Counting with Bob’ Counting rhymes
‘Place them in order’ Place numerals 1-20 in order Start from 1 and find numbers to 20 Start at 20 and work backwards to 1 Start a number line at any number and child to work forwards and backwards to complete the order
How can I help at home? Introduce numerals everywhere such as: House numbers Footballers TV Channels Car registration plates Buses Prices in shop Birthday cards
‘Say which number is one more or one less than a given number’ How to help at home: When eating, emphasise ‘I will give you one more… how many will you have now’ Or less – ‘You have eaten one now, how many will you have’ (Encourage ‘Rocket Counting’ Show ‘high’ and ‘lower’ signs with hands
‘Using quantities and objects, they add two single-digit numbers and count on’ Add two amounts to find the answer Knowing when we add the number goes bigger Using vocabulary, such as more, add, altogether Counting on, such as 5 + 3 = Hide 5 items and encourage child to count on, “5… 6… 7… 8”
‘And subtract two single-digit numbers counting back’ Understanding counting back the number gets smaller Introducing vocabulary, such as minus, subtract, take away Subtracting by counting backwards, such as 5 – 3 = 5 items and take one item away at a time counting “5… 4… 3… 2”
5 + = How we teach this First using objects Next using number lines Children count on or back using dots 5 + = Child count on or back in their heads Draws their own number lines
‘Solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing’ Can double numbers mentally from 1-5 Solve doubling problems, for example doubling dots on the ladybirds Halving problems, for example halving the cake in the play dough Understanding when we share it has to be the same amount for everyone
How to help at home Encourage children to double items around the home using physical equipment Continue to model halving and what a half looks like, emphasising how it needs to be equal When friends are round or playing with siblings, ask them to share toys
Early Learning Goal – Shape, Space and Measure Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
Size and measure Vocabulary including small, big, tall, short, long, longer, shorter Order items in height or length, including people! Non-standard measurements ensuring there are no gaps inbetween and the objects used are the same size
Position and distance Vocabulary including under, behind, next to, below, above, left, right, far, close, nearby Encourage children to place items around the home in the correct place Talk about the distance away from key places such as grandmas house or the shop Blindfold and ask/give directions to move around an obstacle course
Weight and Capacity Key vocabulary including heavy, light, lighter, heavier, full, empty, half full Encourage child to use scales to weight different items and talk about which one is heavier and how they know Fill up different containers and describe their size and how much liquid fills each container
Money and time Key vocabulary including coin amounts, change, hours, minutes, seconds Encourage child to handle money in all possible situations Let them use your stop watch or timer. Ask them to read how long it has taken to complete a task Emphasise o’clock and half past during different times of the day
Shapes Children need to identify and name 2D and 3D shapes Need to use key vocabulary to describe them, including size, corner, face, edge Describe every day objects using vocabulary too, if it can roll? Or slide?
Useful apps and websites Bee Bot app (Free) Amazing Coin (£1.49) Little Digits (69p) Maths age 3-5 Maths age 4-6 Purple Mash ICT Games – Top Marks - YouTube videos
Remember…. Maths is everywhere! Not in work sheets. No need to write it down. Everyday mathematics is more worthwhile Make it meaningful!