Solving Linear Equations One unknown with brackets
Solve the following equations: 1)* 2) 3) 4)* 5) 6)* 7) 8) 9)* 10) 2 𝑥−4 =6 −5 𝑥+1 =15 4 2𝑎+1 −3𝑎=−𝑎− −3+4𝑎 A
1)* Expand the expression +8 +8 2 2
2) Expand the expression
3) Expand the expression
4) Expand the expression −8 −8 −2 −2
5) Expand the expression
6)* d Expand the expression + x + x − 4 −4 3 3
7) Expand the expression
8) Expand the expression
9)* Expand the expression Simplify the terms
4 2𝑎+1 −3𝑎=−𝑎− −3+𝑎 10) Expand the expression Simplify the terms
Check your answer here 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)