Clubs and groups Hoyt middle school
sports Cross country 7th & 8th grade Volleyball 7th & 8th grade Basketball boys & girls 8th grade Wrestling 7th and 8th grade boys and girls Football 8th grade Track 7th & 8th grade Intramurals 6th grade
Movement 515 – Mrs. hesse Hip-Hop/Spoken Word/Social Justice Spoken Word Slam Champions Speak your heart, your mind, your words - in a safe place where we spit it loud enough for everyone to hear us! Snacks provided. Mondays 3:30-5:00 Teaching Artist: LaNeeta Location: Art Room (1515) Grades: All
Jazz band – Mr. Parker 6-8 band students can participate with director approval. Trumpets, Trombones, Saxophone players are needed.
Best buddies – Mrs. Hoffman An organization that empowers individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by helping them form meaningful friendships with their peers. Friendships are formed through weekly activities such as saying hi, a high five in the hallway, a conversation during lunch, or a written note. Friendships are formed through monthly group activities such as holiday parties, t-shirt decorating, movies and popcorn, tournaments, and much more.
Blazing stars – chrysalis group Mrs crist We are a group for and about girls. Our goal is to help teach girls how to develop a positive community through building LEADERSHIP, RESILIENCE, CONNECTEDNESS, and ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT. Sign up in September only 15 girls
Special Olympics unified group – Miss Mcbratney and Mrs. Hoffman Group of students with and without intellectual disabilities meeting, working together and competing in athletics.
Learn how to empower yourself and others Make new friends 6th-8th grade girls Learn how to empower yourself and others Make new friends Train for a 5k!!! Questions???? Talk to Mrs. Davidson
Bingo and Board games - lewis we will play a variety of themed BINGO games as well as various old and new board games and card games.
Culture club- Mrs. Vandyke We will be discussing what culture is, what cultures are that are around Hoyt. The group will be doing a cultural night. It will be student led.
GSA – Ms. Weldin The Hoyt Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is a student-run club, that provides a safe place for students to meet and support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. The GSA also works to end homophobia and transphobia. Also, they just plain have fun! Last year the GSA did crafts, watched movies, went to a conference, played games, had guest speakers, had parties, and sold candy at dances. The GSA will meet every Thursday after school, from 3:30-4:20. For the location and more information, please talk to the school counselor, Ms. Weldin.
Crocheting for Kitties Learn to crochet and benefit our community Create sleeping blankies for kitties or a scarf for yourself Creations can/ will be donated to the Arl – or you can keep Thursday afterschool Starting September 12th See Mrs. Blanchard to sign up
Both boys and girls welcome. Starting this fall Cheerleading Both boys and girls welcome. Starting this fall
Drama Day to be determined Play to be held – to be announced Contact Ms. Aduddell