Welcome to Back-to-School Night Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Goals Meet the Teacher Ten Ways to Love Subjects Expectations Homework NWEA Assessment Birthday Celebrations – PTC Parent Info Communication RenWeb, Webpage, E-mail
Meet the Teachers Ms. Zamora – 2A Mrs. Ortiz – 2B p.zamora@stjamesschoolsa.org https://www.stjamesschoolsa.org/priscilla-zamora Mrs. Ortiz – 2B maria.ortiz@stjamesschoolsa.org https://www.stjamesschoolsa.org/maria-ortiz
2019-2020 Spiritual Theme
Grade & Subjects Ms. Zamora – 2A ELAR Science Mrs. Ortiz – 2B Math Social Studies Religion
Expectations 1. Show respect for yourself, adults, others, and all property. 2. Be prepared for school and all activities. 3. Allow others to work undisturbed. 4. Follow directions .5. Keep your hands to yourself. 6. Be honest.
Homework Policy Homework will be assigned Monday - Thursday. Daily reading: 15 to 20 minutes using a Monthly Reading Log. Parents: check and initial the Agenda on a daily basis
Homework Policy Spelling homework will be assigned on Mondays to be turned in on Fridays. Children are to complete 3 activities from the Tic-Tac-Toe worksheet. Absences please email teacher
NWEA Map Growth Assessment https://www.nwea.org/parent-toolkit/ Online growth assessment 3 times per year September December April Reading, English, Math, Science Fluency Listening
Creating a personal learning journey “Adaptive” test measures the needs of every student Correct Answer = More challenging question Incorrect Answer = Easier question Understand student’s unique learning needs
Birthday Celebrations 1st – 8th - Monthly Celebrations Free dress pass Recognized during morning assembly 3rd Wednesday of each month ONLY Coordinate with Room Parents Parents of students bring healthy snack Give snack to teacher before school OR Bring snack at 3:15 p.m. to classroom. All visitors must check into the office and obtain a visitor’s pass. Balloons, flowers, and presents should not be delivered to school. These items are NOT appropriate for school celebrations. The office cannot accept food items for birthday celebrations.
PTC Partnership Seeking Room Parents Help organize class celebrations Help coordinate fundraising events Help our school! Please sign the PTC parent sign-up sheet. Include your child’s birth date. Include your e-mail. This information will be used to organize birthday celebrations and other PTC events.
REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLUNTEERS 1. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK 2. SAFE ENVIRONMENT AND SEXUAL HARRASSMENT TRAINING 3. ARCHDIOCESAN CODE OF CONDUCT Parents/Volunteers participating in any school activity/event or field trip will be required to have a completed Criminal Background check on file as well as verification of Virtus training.
Communication RenWeb – Primary tool School Website Weekly Newsletter Grades Conduct School Website General information School directory Calendar Athletics Weekly Newsletter Pictures of past events Upcoming events Important dates Reminders Teacher Webpage Class newsletter Upcoming tests/projects
Thank you for coming!