In Southeastern Michigan, 44 percent of households struggle to afford basic necessities — and the problem is growing. If families can’t meet their basic needs now, they can’t prepare for the future. We know these problems are complex. But we also believe we can reverse the trend if we work together. UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
STRUGGLING HOUSEHOLDS IN OUR REGION In every city in Southeastern Michigan, there are households that don't have enough income to afford their basic needs. Canton: 22% of households Birmingham: 19% of households Shelby Township: 32% of households Oakland County 32.7% Macomb County 38.5% Wayne County 56.0% These households lack savings accounts or assets to fall back on during tough times. In many cases, they are just one car repair or hospital bill away from real financial crisis. Note: Please select city examples to meet your specific needs from the county-by-county ALICE breakdown UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
2017 ALICE SURVIVAL BUDGET: SE MICHIGAN THE ALICE SURVIVAL BUDGET United Way’s ALICE report redefines the way that we measure economic hardship. The ALICE budget calculation: Identifies the true cost of living according to actual expenses Recognizes that cost of living varies by region and adjusts accordingly Is based on the cost of “survival” and does not include savings 2017 ALICE SURVIVAL BUDGET: SE MICHIGAN
WE WORK TO ENSURE THAT: Families can meet their basic needs. Children are ready for school. People are equipped with skills to build a better life. UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
HOW WE DO IT UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN WE HELP FAMILIES GET OUT OF CRISIS — AND STAY OUT WE TACKLE THE ROOT CAUSES OF OUR COMMUNITY’S PROBLEMS WE BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER TO CREATE SUSTAINABLE CHANGE OUT OF CRISIS: If families can’t meet their basic needs now, they can’t prepare for the future. Through strategic investments and innovative partnerships with corporations and nonprofits, we work with limited resources to help as many families as possible. ROOT CAUSES: We focus on addressing longstanding challenges like child care access, literacy education and social services support. We work to strengthen institutions, fix broken systems, and make changes through policy and partnership. BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER: For more than 100 years, we have worked collaboratively with nonprofit, for-profit and government agencies to accomplish what no entity can do alone. UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
EVERY FAMILY SHOULD BE ABLE TO MEET THEIR BASIC NEEDS Every year, nearly 200,000 people contact our 2-1-1 helpline in times of crisis. Examples of our programs and initiatives: 2-1-1 helpline Meet Up and Eat Up Better With Breakfast No More Empty Backpacks Our team connects them with available resources to help them meet their immediate needs, and become stable. We work with local and statewide partners to tackle the root causes of basic needs insecurity through policy changes and innovative community support programs. UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
EVERY CHILD SHOULD BE PREPARED TO SUCCEED IN SCHOOL Forty percent of children in our region are not prepared to start kindergarten, and kids who fall behind struggle to catch up. Examples of our programs and initiatives: Early Learning Communities Ready4K ABCMouse Summer Spark Our programs connect parents and caregivers with resources to help their children succeed, like literacy tools and high-quality child care programs. We also work to ensure that students have the school supplies they need and access to quality after-school and summer programs. UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
EVERY PERSON SHOULD HAVE THE SKILLS TO BE FINANCIALLY STABLE In our region, a family of four with two working adults needs a total income of $74,780 to afford basic necessities. In Michigan, 61 percent of jobs pay less than $20 per hour. Families that can't make ends meet also struggle to save for the future. Examples of our programs and initiatives: Financial coaching Tax preparation Advocacy efforts We help people gain skills and access to good jobs. We also connect them with financial coaching and tax preparation so they can keep more of what they earn, learn how to budget and better provide for their families. UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
STORIES UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN FINANCIAL STABILITY: A STORY OF HOPE “Access for All sent me on my way with everything I needed.” — La’Tasha Smith, Access for All graduate UnitedWaySEM.org/Access BASIC NEEDS: BREAKFAST AFTER THE BELL “We believe we’re saving lives.” — Matthew Dailey, Hazel Park High School Principal UnitedWaySEM.org/Breakfast READY FOR SCHOOL: HELPING CHILDREN SOAR “If we take our children and do what’s necessary, our children can soar.” — Danyelle Swift, child care owner/operator UnitedWaySEM.org/Soar UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
YOUR DOLLARS MAKE A DIFFERENCE When you give to United Way, your dollars go further to support programs that help people improve their lives. BRIGHTER FUTURE: Connect five families with Ready4K, a text message support program for parents, by donating $2 per paycheck for a year. FUEL SUMMER: Fund a week of physical activity for kids at a Meet Up and Eat Up summer meal site by donating $5 per paycheck for a year. SUCCESS: Connect 52 people to food pantries, emergency shelter and other resources through our 2-1-1 helpline by donating $10 per paycheck for a year. DELIVER A BRIGHTER FUTURE FUEL A CHILD’S SUMMER SET PEOPLE UP FOR SUCCESS UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
ADVOCATE WITH UNITED WAY When you advocate with United Way, lawmakers take notice. We rally our partners and supporters to advance the United Way mission by advocating for meaningful change at the local, state and national levels. Stay up to date and take action through our advocacy alerts: UnitedWaySEM.org/AdvocacyAlerts UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN Our volunteers are passionate about the community, and our Seasons of Caring initiative makes it easier than ever to make a difference all year long. Join United Way as a volunteer and make a difference this season — and every season: UnitedWaySEM.org/Volunteer UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
(COMPANY NAME) UNITED WAY HISTORY This is the place to include information regarding your company’s involvement and history with United Way. • Include narrative bullets • History of the relationship • Past giving history • Campaign highlights UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
2019-20 CAMPAIGN DATES This is a place to communicate information regarding events surrounding your company’s United Way campaign, including the start and end date. • Campaign kickoff • Bake sale • Ice cream social • Campaign end UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
2019-20 CAMPAIGN CHAIRPERSON Introduce the person(s) that will be leading your company’s campaign efforts. • Name • Title • Division • Phone number • Email UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN
2019-20 CAMPAIGN GOALS Enter your campaign goal(s). Goal(s) could be based on % of participation, overall dollars raised, average gift, Leadership Giving, etc. • 2018 Participation: XX% • 2019 Participation goal: XX% • 2018 Average gift: $XXX • 2019 Average gift goal: $XXX UNITED WAY FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN