BLESSED HOPE BIBLE CHURCH Learning of Christ, Loving in Christ, Leaning on Christ, Living for Christ, Leading to Christ Based on the Word of God
[1] Therefore, when we could no longer endure it, we thought it good to be left in Athens alone, [2] and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith, [3] that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this. [4] For, in fact, we told you before when we were with you that we would suffer tribulation, just as it happened, and you know. For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain. 1 THESSALONIANS 3:1-5
Satan, the enemy of the gospel and the enemy of the true people of God, is constantly and consistently attempting to render the gospel message ineffective in the lives of those who hear the gospel--thus rendering any testimony to Christ ineffective as well. He will use opposition from one’s own countrymen He will attempt to hinder ministry opportunities He will attempt to use discouragement and frustration.
In spite of the attempts of Satan, the gospel works effectively in the one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. it is embraced as the word of God in spite of the reasoning of men. 2:13 it is established in the heart in spite of the opposition of men. 2:14-16 it is effective in the life in spite of the hindrances of Satan. 2:17-20
In spite of the effective ness of the gospel message in the lives of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan, with hostility, maliciousness, and vindictiveness, seeks to hinder the spiritual growth of those who believe in Christ. Satan will do anything to hinder the spiritual growth of a believer in Christ.
Lesson: Spiritual growth, in spite of Satan’s malicious oppositions, is a manifestation of a true conversion. It is promoted by contact with men of God. It is promoted by comfort to the men of God. It is promoted by concern of the men of God. In spite of: --oppositions --discouragements --afflictions --persecutions
SPIRITUAL GROWTH IS PROMOTED BY CONTACT WITH MEN OF GOD THE MENTALITY: Paul and his ministry associates were very concerned about the faith of the Thessalonian converts: Was their faith authentic? Was their faith standing, even under opposition? Was their faith growing?
THE MAN: Paul and his associates decided to send Timothy to settle their concerns. He was a trusted brother in Christ: he was a true believer in Christ with a godly character e.g., his character was a manifestation of his faith). He was a trusted minister of God: Paul trusted him to teach and preach in his absence according to the truth of the gospel. He was a trusted fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ: Paul trusted him not to undermine the gospel ministry began at Thessalonica. Showing love, concern and compassion For others is an example of strength, NOT weakness.
THE MISSION: Timothy had a specific objective in visiting the Thessalonian converts. The objective: To establish and encourage them concerning their faith (e.g., to affirm the fundamental truths of the gospel message) The goal: So that no one should be shaken by the afflictions that Paul and his associates endured (e.g., to encourage faithfulness to Christ in spite of afflictions)
THE MOTIVATION: Paul sent Timothy because he was concerned about the genuiness of their faith. Paul was concerned that Satan tempted them to abandon the gospel message. Paul was concerned that his ministry among the Thessalonians was a wasted effort.
THE MESSAGE FOR US TODAY LESSON #1: A true conversion to Christ will lead to real spiritual growth—it will NOT lead to spiritual indifference and apathy. LESSON #2: In order for there to be spiritual growth, God has to send a godly, mature, trusted men of God, who are concerned about the people of God, to establish the people of God. God is the one who builds the church and supplies that church with gifted men for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ (cf., Eph.4:11-16) Point: God sends godly ministers to prepare God’s people for mature Christian growth.
LESSON #3: In order for there to be spiritual growth, God’s people must be established in their faith--so that they are not tossed about by every and any wind of false doctrine. LESSON #4: In order for there to be spiritual growth, God people must be encourage to stand in their faith in spite of any opposition to their faith (e.g., whether it is directed to their leaders or to them personally) Opposition to the gospel is a reality because men love darkness rather than light. Opposition, trials and tribulations in the life of a Christian are NOT an accidents or a blind acts of fate, they are intended by God to strengthen our faith. Note: For the believer, things just don’t happen; they are either caused by God or allowed by God for our good, for our maturity (e.g., thus there is no such thing as chance, fate, or luck). Point: Faithfulness to Christ in spite of opposition, trials , afflictions and tribulation is a mark of growing faith.
LESSON #5: Satan will use the difficulties of life against us—to hinder our spiritual growth. To get us to doubt God’s character To get us to doubt God’s goodness To get us to doubt God’s word To get us to doubt God’s promises To get us to doubt God’s purpose To get us to doubt God’s presence To get us to doubt God’s power Point: To promote fear, doubt, discouragement, frustration and despair.
A CHALLENGE FOR YOU Are you being established and encourage concerning your faith?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will Be saved.
Acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross for your sin, and that He arose again from the dead on the third day. Admit that you are a sinner, guilty of sin and responsible and accountable to a holy God for your sin, and that you are under His just condemnation and eternal punishment for your sin. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour by receiving His provision of salvation through your faith in Him alone.