FPBC’s Demographics Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Age 11 - 20 Age 31 - 40 Age 51 - 60 Age 71 - 80 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Age 21 - 30 Age 41 - 50 Age 61 - 70
Who are the Millennials ? 1928 1946 1965 1981 2004 Above 72 55 - 72 39 - 54 16 - 38 Below 16 Millennials were born approximately between 1981 - 2004
Generational Differences Every generation is different in terms of its own uniqueness and idiosyncrasies
MILLENINAL TRAITS Their songs are hard to sing Want bean bags & Free Foods Late in getting married MILLENINAL TRAITS Embrace Diversity Switch jobs every 2-3 years Have fewer kids Mode of communication Want work-life balance Less religiously affiliated
Some Famous People who are Millennials
Pop-culture Christian losing his faith
An Alarming Statistics Millennials are leaving the Church
The Silenced Generation Millennials feel their voice were unheard in Churches I desperately want to feel this way about church, but I don’t. Not even a little bit. In fact, like much of my generation, I feel the complete opposite. IS ANYONE ALIVE OUT THERE? CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?
Why should we stay in church when we have no part in shaping or contributing to its future ? A Millennial’s Comment
80% of the “once church going” Millennials fall into 3 Categories David Kinnaman, You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are leaving Church and rethinking faith, Baker publishing Group
They claimed to be spiritual but not religious The Nomads (40%) They call themselves Christians but have problems identifying themselves with a particular “brand” of Christianity. They believe going to church is optional. Going to church or having Christian friends is not important to them. They have significant interest in God but not in a formal or institutional expression of faith. They claimed to be spiritual but not religious
These are those who are still inside the Church but are unsettled. The Exiles (30%) These are those who are still inside the Church but are unsettled. They feel lost in between their commitment to their church and their desire to stay connected with the world around them. They sometimes feel God is more at work outside than inside the church. They want to have a broader expression of their faith by actively changing the culture and the world around them.
The Prodigals (10%) They have lost their faith. They are fairly certain they would not return to their faith. Christian beliefs do not make sense to them. They had negative experiences with the Church. They believe their spiritual needs cannot be met in church or by Christianity.
What Millennials want ? Sam Eaton – a Millennial and the founder of a Suicide Prevention Ministry called “Recklessly Alive”, Author of a book called “12 Reasons Millennials are over church”
We want to be mentored, not “preached” at. # 1 We want to be mentored, not “preached” at. We want someone to care and walk beside us through life’s challenges
We want to be heard and valued # 2 We want to be heard and valued Trust us to serve in a more significant way than just “cutting papers” and “throwing away trash”.
# 3 We are sick of Vision and Value Statements that do not translate into action We care about integrity. You send a completely wrong message to us when you do not do what you say.
We are tired of you blaming our culture for everything # 4 We are tired of you blaming our culture for everything Rather than saying it is bad and dangerous, help us to interpret it, tell us what the bible says and let us wrestle with it
# 5 We want accountability and transparency on how the Church use their resources We want the church to be painstakingly transparent by publishing the accounts down to how they spend every penny in their website
Stop talking to us unless you are willing to do something about it # 6 Stop talking to us unless you are willing to do something about it Words without action is worse than completely ignoring us
Millennials, We let you down !!
Do not equate man with God God is not a man, that he should lie, neither a son of man, that he should repent. Has he said, and will he not do? Or has he spoken, and he will not make it good? Numbers 23:19
Man rejects you, God welcomes you 13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:13-14
God values you and see the value in you 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
God wants to bless you 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.
We want to listen, please give us a chance to dialogue with you