2. DEVELOPMENT OF OBJECTIVE Significance of Program Objectives Objective acts as ‘compass’ of the program: in line with the mission and vision of program. ii. Objective suggests the data or information needed in program development.
iii. Suggests types of activities and resources needed in the program. iv. Tells us who are the target groups, and how many of them should be involved
v. Informs us types of changes, and magnitude of change needed. vi. Preparation from the client side, eg. Development of small groups, mental and cognitive preparation.
vii. Basis for evaluation. viii. Predicts conclusion and recommendation for future action.
A good workable objective must have the following components: Who is targeted (target audience) Type of change Magnitude of change Time dimension
Eg. To increase the monthly income of 50 percent of the fishermen in Village of Sentosa from RM1000 to RM2000 by practicing fresh water fish rearing in the year 2007.
Analysis: Target audience : 50% of fishermen in Village of Sentosa Type of change : increase in income Magnitude of change : From RM900 to RM1800 of monthly income Time dimension : Within 12 months in the year 2004
Program objectives must have the following characteristics: S = specific M = measurable A = attainable R = realistic T = time dimension