Nouns Countable or Uncountable? By Sharon Watson Click on the arrow to start.
Everyday nouns Countable Uncountable A chair A car A raindrop A job A bottle of milk A bucket of water A slice of beef A plate of pasta Uncountable Furniture Traffic Weather Work Milk Water Beef Pasta
Countable (You can count them and you can make them plural) 4 bananas 2 newspapers
Uncountable (You can’t count it and you can’t make it plural) Fruit (But a bowl of fruit) News (But a piece of news)
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spaghetti Countable? Uncountable? Click to answer.
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rice Countable? Uncountable?
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tomato Countable? Uncountable?
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bread Countable? Uncountable?
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travel Countable? Uncountable?
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traffic Countable? Uncountable?
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table Countable? Uncountable?
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money Countable? Uncountable?
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coffee Countable? Uncountable?
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air Countable? Uncountable?
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potato Countable? Uncountable?
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bread roll Countable? Uncountable?
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pound coin Countable? Uncountable?
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furniture Countable? Uncountable?
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cup of tea Countable? Uncountable?
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butter Countable? Uncountable?
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soup Countable? Uncountable?
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