Work hard to be your very best! Welcome to Y4 Work hard to be your very best!
Y4 Barton Camp Wednesday 2nd October to Friday 4th October Check kit list – see office if you need a new list Return medical form ASAP Please let your class teacher and Mr Evans know about any medication or night time concerns
Swimming 20 weeks – continues after Christmas Starts Wednesday (18.09.19) Must have a coat!
Home Learning Year 4 is all about encouraging children’s independence in their learning and their life skills. Maths and English Homework will be set on a Thursday and is due back on a Tuesday. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and sign in the HASP book – this is monitored every Friday. There will be 3 extended homework tasks set during the year.
PE PE is on Tuesday and Thursday. Indoor and outdoor kit must be in school at all times. Two separate bags is easier for them. Outdoor PE takes place in almost all weather! Children need suitable kit – tracksuits/gloves/hats and OLD trainers. Please ensure all kit is named, and that children have a bag to put muddy shoes in! You are welcome to take kits home to wash over the weekend!
School Uniform Our school is proud of its tradition with uniform and we ask for parents support to maintain high standards. NO FASHION items. No coloured belts. Shoes should be black and school style – children should be able to run safely in them. No jewellery other than a single plain stud in each ear, these should be taken out for PE/games. No make-up/nail varnish. Swimming – no long shorts or bikinis