With Georgia Libraries for accessible statewide services: glass BOOKS Within reach! With Georgia Libraries for accessible statewide services: glass
A talking book library? GLASS and our mission Who is eligible/how they qualify Our holdings and what we provide Implications for classroom In a nutshell we’re special library as the materials we provide aren’t considered your traditional library materials—they’re talking books. I’ll pass around a talking book and player so you can handle it. We’ll talk more about it later. But suffice it to say we’re a library that provides reading materials for those who can’t read standard print, or can’t hold a book due to a physical impairment. Persons who are legally blind or cannot see well enough or focus long enough to read standard print, even with glasses. Persons who are unable to hold or turn pages of print books. Persons who are certified by a medical doctor as having a reading disability. I’ll give an overview of our holdings which include everything from the talking books to Braille music instruction—for example there's a Piano methods instructional.
Who qualifies? http://georgialibraries.org/glass/ So you wanna sign up already because it sounds incredible!? Lets take a look at our website so I can show you how to do just that. Individual application or Institutional Application. Go thru each tab at top. AND Accessibility widget…AND GLASS RSVP…AND FACEBOOK AND YOU TUBE…please like our page and share us…my theory is that we need to connect with our tertiary audience more, focus on spreading the word to the loved ones of the person with visual impairment.
Membership has it’s privileges Access to reading material in accessible formats Access to events and programming…book clubs, support groups, dance class… Access to the Reader Advisors Talk about how isolating some of these impairments/conditions that some individuals have can be. RA’s are Such an integral part of the program…like a personal shopper for your reading needs! Several of the staff at our public facing part GLASS Atlanta are visually impaired… greatly encouraging to see how they are gainfully employed and perform their duties exceptionally well.
Star of the line up The Talking Book and Player or Digital Talking Book Machine Chafee Amendment “It is not an infringement of copyright for an authorized entity to reproduce or to distribute copies or phonorecords of a previously published, nondramatic literary work if such copies or phonorecords are reproduced or distributed in specialized formats exclusively for use by blind or other persons with disabilities.” Virtually indestructible! BARD & BARD Express (Braille and Audio Reading Download) Talk about merits of TBP…beveled edge to allow for manipulation for those who may have limitations with fingers or limbs…buttons fused into one big sheet designed to minimize damage in event of spill
BOOKSHARE More Books! Access to more than 50,0000 books that can be read on smartphone or tablet With Bookshare ebooks, members can customize their reading experience in ways that work for them. Members can listen to words read aloud with high-quality text-to-speech voices, read with enlarged fonts, see and hear as words are highlighted, download electronic braille and more. OF particular importance fro students leaving the k12 system and transitioning into whatevers next…if they’re a GLASS patron they can continue accessing this great resource for free. Readers also have their choice of reading device. Bookshare is can be read through a computer browser, on tablets, smart phones, computers, assistive technology devices such as the talking book players, and MP3 players using a variety of free and paid apps.
Large print and braille books Partnership with PINES allows for access to LARGE PRINT materials Partnership with an out-of-state library allows for access to Braille and Braille/Print material Also! Refreshable Braille Displays Oh yeah did I mention…more books…more accessibility! Patrons can come into the walk in locations and use these RBD
Nfb newsline NFB-NEWSLINE is a free service available to anyone who is blind, visually impaired or print-disabled. It offers over 400 publications to choose from, including ten national newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, sixteen breaking news sources such as CNN, BBC and ESPN Online, fourteen international newspapers including Financial Times and Vancouver Sun, and countless state newspapers, as well as fifty magazines like Family Circle, Time, Consumer Reports, Jet, Guideposts, Smithsonian and more. Might be useful for research…federated search capability, Global Search function allows you to find articles on specific topics
Audio described dvds “Audio Description is a narration service that attempts to describe what the sighted person takes for granted -- those images that a person who is blind or visually impaired formerly could only experience through the whispered asides from a sighted companion.” --The American Council of the Blind Has anyone heard of the term Audio Described?
Assistive technology big keys abc keyboard 1Pad 32 gigabyte w/pre-installed apps ablenet big red twist switch dolphin supernova magnafier These come in our AT kits…not available for the public to check out…connect w/children’s librarian at your local library
Implications & applications Accessibility is the name of our game for our library in much the same way that inclusion is the name of the game in your profession. I hope that I’ve illustrated that …. Right? You guys aims to make learning accessible and design education to meet the unique needs of different children? Invite you again to share how one or more of these recourses can be plugged into your instruction? Can’t you just see it now…more material for your unit plans… provided differentiation with Bookshare audio books… blended learning was achieved through the use of an Audio Described video…
Questions? Asha Hagood ahagood@georgialibraries.org Outreach Librarian, GLASS