CAM Practitioner’s San Antonio, Texas Reflexology: Alleviates stress by applying pressure to parts of the feet- Generally Safe Functional/Functional-Integrative Medicine: Acupuncture: Filiform needles placed in certain areas of the body to elicit a healing response. Chiropractic Manipulation: Naturopathic Medicine: Prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process. Combines traditional Medicine as well. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique: NAET, relatively new, but created in 1983 and works to alleviate allergies by body detoxification via acupuncture, nutrition and acupressure.
Local CAM Facilities and Practitioners Alamo Heights Wellness: Acupuncture, acupressure, Herbal Remedies (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and NAET. Airrosti: Alternative to surgery and pain management medication regimen’s-aligns within physical therapy and chiropractic approaches to pain. Alternative Therapy Center: Massage therapy with essential oils, reflexology, colon hydrotherapy infrared sauna, SA Family Integrative Health: CMT, acupuncture, massage therapy, functional integrative medicine (nutrition focus). Klarisana: Psychedelic, psychotropic methods for mental disorders and ailments.
Used to Alleviate Issues associated with: Acupuncture Overview Used to Alleviate Issues associated with: Chi or qi (energy), which acupuncture works to balance by working with meridians (How the qi flows through the body. The fine needles work to go through the meridians to achieve the desired response or result. Side Effects Include: Minor bruising or bleeding at site(s); discomfort at site. Prohibited to partake: Pregnant women, those individuals with a pacemaker, persons with blood disorders. Safety: Clean needles, practitioner credentials Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting Dental pain Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines Labor pain Low back pain Neck pain Osteoarthritis Menstrual cramps Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis
References Airrosti. (2019). Home. Retrieved from Alamo Heights Wellness. (2019). Services. Retrieved from Bing. (2019, August 02). Bing maps alternative medicine providers. Retrieved from ntonio&FORM=HDRSC4 Klarisana. (2018). Treatments. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). Acupuncture. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from 20392763 San Antonio Family Integrative Health. (2019). Home. Retrieved from