1st Q, wk. #9, Hon Oct. 7-11, 2019
No written bellringers this week Make sure previous bellringers (from last 2 weeks) have been turned in).
Activity, 10/7 Today you will receive your third summative assignment and the written pieces needed to accomplish it well.
Handouts: Socratic Seminar Assignment Graphic Novel: Visitation Article on McCarthyism Arthur Miller biography 2 different handouts on Modern Day Witch Hunts McMartin Preschool Trial
View rubric
Today (10/7) Use class time to read either the graphic novel or the McCarthyism article. Highlight/mark text you might use in the discussion.
Complete your preparation form and marking text evidence Wednesday, 10/9 Complete your preparation form and marking text evidence
Tues, 10/8: Continue reading and marking texts This week Tues, 10/8: Continue reading and marking texts Wed., 10/9: Finish reading and marking texts; complete preparation form; receive rest of graded/stamped papers Thurs., 10/10: Come to class with preparation form and texts complete; Hold Socratic Seminar (summative grade) Fri., 10/11: Receive rest of graded papers; turn in stamped papers for participation/bellringer grade (formative grade)
Sit in either the inner circle or outer circle Sit in either the inner circle or outer circle. Place preparation forms and text sets in front of you for me to mark. If you are in the outer circle, you will PROCESS (write on the provided form). If you are in the inner circle, you will PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCUSSION.
Rules during discussion: You may speak when the previous person has finished; you may not interrupt. You should not repeat anyone else; every statement should build on what was previously said. When those responses are finished, you may begin a new question or topic. Those in the outer circle CANNOT speak, either in discussion or to someone beside them. When time is up, switch places. When discussion has ended, staple all papers together and turn into the tray.
22+ = 100% -4 pts. for each one under 22 Stamped Papers 22+ = 100% -4 pts. for each one under 22